District News

CM District Lay Servant Ministries

Posted by Sophie Amer on

New Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministry 

Congratulations and welcome to Linda Flanagan, the new Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries (LSM).  The Conference Director of LSM works with the Annual Conference Lay Leader and the Conference Board of Laity to equip all the laity of the annual conference, through training opportunities, to respond to their call to mission and ministry. The Conference Director of LSM chairs the Conference Committee on LSM and works with the District Directors of LSM to provide support and direction for the development of laity training within the districts. The 2016 General Conference clarifies that each Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries has oversight of the Certified Lay Minister (CLM) program as part of the LSM program.

Course Offerings

Throughout the BWC

Check the Lay Servant Ministries Training page to see courses being offered by other districts. 

Course Offerings Online

Click on the following link:  BeADisciple.com Online Advanced LSM Courses


Lay Servant Ministries - Forms

Click the links below to access these required forms.

LSM Certification / Recertification Application

  • This application must be submitted when seeking to certify or recertify as a Certified Lay Servant AND/OR to recertify as a Certified Lay Speaker.  The application can be submitted at any time throughout the year in which you are seeking certification or recertification.  Please note that annual LSM reports to Charge/Church Conference are also still required for all Certified Lay Servants, Certified Lay Speakers, and Certified Lay Ministers.

  • If you have completed a course outside of your certification/recertification year, it is a good idea to submit your certificate of completion along with the LSM application so we can keep our records up to date.  

Annual LSM Report to Charge/Church Conference -
Sign into Arena to complete your annual report.

  • Submit your annual report at least 10 days prior to your church conference this fall.

  • Be sure you have your Basic Course certificate and at least your most recent Advanced Course certificate before you begin (these uploads are required)

  • All fields on the annual report are required. Enter data for all questions or prompts that are applicable to you and your area of certification.  Enter "N/A" for all questions or prompts that are not applicable to you.  The form will not allow you to submit/save data until all required fields are satisfied.  Be sure you are ready to spend at least 10 minutes on the form before you begin.  

  • If you are missing a required certificate, please create a document (in Microsoft Word, Adobe [PDF], etc.) containing a brief statement that includes as much information as you can recall related to the course for which you no longer possess a certificate (i.e. Course Name, Date of Completion, Instructor, Location).  Save the statement to your computer and upload it in the appropriate place within your Arena form.


Lay Servant Ministries - Certification 

Who to Contact About Your Certification

CM District Lay Servant Ministries Director(s):

Rod Fry:

Pam Plummer Matthews: 

Those seeking to become Certified Lay Servants must complete both the Basic LSM course and an Advanced LSM course prior to the date of the annual church conference. 

After initial certification, Certified Lay Servants must take an Advanced LSM course and apply for recertification every three years.  


Links to Important Information and Resources:


Where are you in the certification process? 


You took the 

What you need to do next...

2015, 2016, 2017, or early 2018    Take an advanced course before your 2018 Church Conference.  Be sure to attach your Basic and Advanced Course certificates to this year's annual report to Church Conference.
2014 or earlier:

Under the former LSM requirements, you should have already completed a "refresher course" by your 2017 Charge Conference.  The "refresher courses" are advanced LSM courses.  

If you took an advanced course in 2017, you are now a "Certified Lay Servant" and will need to take another course before Church Conferences in 2020.  Be sure to attach your Basic and Advanced Course certificates your certification renewal application. 

You took an

What you need to do next...

2015 or earlier:

Take another advanced course before your 2018 Church Conference.  Be sure to maintain records of course completion/course certificates so they can be included with your recertification application and annual report. 


Take another advanced course before your 2019 Church Conference.


Take another advanced course before your 2020 Church Conference.


Take another advanced course before your 2021 Church Conference.


For more information regarding the changes to Lay Servant Ministry certification, see the following:

  • Visit the Discipleship Ministries page to learn more about the revised legislation and certification requirements for Lay Servant Ministries adopted at the 2016 General Conference.


