Central Maryland District News and Events ~ August 12, 2022
NEWS & Resources
Urgent Assistance Needed to Aid Migrants
Since April, the governors of Texas and Arizona have bussed more than 7,500 migrants to Washington, D.C. This political tactic of sending busloads of people each day to Union Station has become perilous. The BWC and Capitol Hill UMC are partnering with secular groups and other faith communities to address enormous needs. Individuals and congregations are encouraged to give generously. Contribute online at https://www.bwcumc.org/migrantcrisisdonations.
BeADisciple.com is offering courses that lead to certification in seven different disciplines including church administration and leadership, children's ministry, women’s ministries, spiritual formation, rural ministry, ministry with people with disabilities, and music ministry. The cycle of courses begins Aug. 22. Learn more.
The General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) Awards Grants
to United Methodist congregations and groups related to The United Methodist Church through the Ethnic Local Church, Human Relations Day, and Peace with Justice programs. To apply for grants, applicants must complete forms on the new GBCS online system. All those who previously submitted applications must re-apply using the revised online form. Only complete online applications with all required documents submitted by September 16, will be considered for funding. Click here to apply online.
2022 Mustard Seed Migration Grants
Mustard Seed Migration Grants, inspired by the well-known parable, are available to provide up to 50 congregations in the United States with up to $2,000 in funding to support one-time, community-based projects that assist refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented persons and migrants of all types. Applications will be accepted at any time prior to September 1, 2022.
*NEW* Discounts and Programs for your Ministry
The United Methodist Ministry Guide is here! Get access to vetted vendors that offer discounts, specials, and unique programs designed for your Methodist ministry.
The Power and Endurance of an Endowment Fund
If your church does not already have an endowment fund, watch this short video for an illustration of the power of starting one. Read the summer updates from the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation.
Comparative Insite Report – Step-by-Step Guide
Download a step-by-step guide to run a Comparative Insite report for your congregation. Take the time to access this important and helpful resource.
September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month
September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month: Project SPIRIT Sickle Cell, Inc., which receives support from the Baltimore-Washington Conference, offers congregations the opportunity to learn more about sickle cell traits and the spiritual implications of living with sickle cell disease. For more information, contact Rev. Lorraine Brown at 240-784-1351.
Director of Ana A. Brito Foundation -- Epworth UMC
To serve as the Director of Epworth’s foundation, part-time 15-hrs a week. The candidate will direct the projects of the foundation as assigned by the AABF board and Executive Leadership team of Epworth and lead the overall vision of SEND OUT ministry. Epworth United Methodist Church is located at 9008 Rosemont Dr., Gaithersburg, MD. Download the job description for more details.
Spanish Worship Leader -- Epworth UMC
This is a 5 Hours per week, flexible schedule position. Presence required for Sunday Spanish morning ministry at noon (Camino) and rehearsals on a week night. Epworth United Methodist Church is located at 9008 Rosemont Dr., Gaithersburg, MD. Download the job description for more details.
August 12 (7pm) -- Glen Mar UMC Host Summer Concert with Ayreheart
This progressive folk trio will perform in the Spirit Center at Glen Mar (4701 New Cut Road, Ellicott City). Admission is free. Visit www.glenmarumc.org/summerconcerts for more information.
August 13 (10am) -- Re-claiming Your Life
If you are a Latinx person living with HIV/AIDS and would like to participate in this live event, please contact the registrar at
or call (443) 440-2312. Lunch will be provided to all participants.
August 17 (12pm) -- We Rise United Prayer Call
First and third Wednesdays, noon to 12:30 p.m., get details here -- https://www.bwcumc.org/event/1946656-2022-02-02-we-rise-united-prayer-call/
August 19 -- Morgan’s Coffee House Concert Series (hosted by Morgan Chapel)
Download a copy of the concert series and bring a few friends and family for great music and fellowship.
August 20 -- Early Response Team (ERT) Training
One of the primary ways the Baltimore-Washington Conference responds to disasters is via our Early Response Team (ERT). Our ERTs respond to disasters within the conference and throughout the United Methodist Connection. If you are called to serve as a member of a BWC ERT, please register for one of the upcoming training sessions. These trainings are taught by skilled UMCOR trainers, and team members are given authorized ERT ID badges from UMCOR as evidence of completing the training. Both certification ($35) and re-certification ($25) will be provided during these sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure compliance with COVID protocols. Register now -- https://arenaweb.bwcumc.org/default.aspx?page=3452&event=6167
August 23-25 -- Living Well Clergy Renewal Program
What do you do when you want to take your ministry to the next level? Working harder isn’t the answer. Even working smarter only takes you so far. The witness of faithful Christians over the ages has shown that time apart for reflection and renewal helps gain the needed perspective to see things differently and find the best way forward. The Living Well Program does just that. Participants will engage in a seven-month program that will result in: a holistic understanding of their life and ministry; a deep connection with other clergy colleagues who have the same desire to serve faithfully and effectively; and a personal development plan, which includes the steps they'd like to take to make incremental and significant improvement in the aspects of life and ministry that they've identified during the program. The program is comprised of two retreats, one in the fall of 2022 and one in the spring of 2023, as well as monthly cohort meetings between the retreats to process their learnings and support each other throughout this journey. Successful completion of the Living Well program fulfills the clergy renewal and assessment requirements of paragraph 349.3 of The United Methodist Book of Discipline. Learn more and register now at https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/leadership-development/clergy-development/living-well-retreats/. Upcoming dates include: Aug 23-25, Camp Pecometh, Sept. 27-29, Camp Manidokan and Oct. 25-27, West River Center.
September 4-10 -- Fall 2022 - Online Health Minister Certificate Wesley
This course aids individuals in learning and growing in faith and health is now open for registration. The Certificate continues to be a great way for people to learn about the basic foundations of health ministry – a ministry which integrates body, mind, and spirit. The registration deadline for the Online Fall Health Minister Certificate is August 26, 2022. Partial and Full Scholarships are Available. E-mail Tom Pruski at
with any questions. To register for the upcoming online certificate, please click on the following direct link: https://www.wesleyseminary.edu/ice/programs/heal-the-sick/hts_certificate_fall2022/.
September 10-11 -- Lay Servant Academy
The Washington Region will hold its virtual Lay Servant Academy on Sept. 10-11. Learn more and register by Sept. 3. The cost is $40.
September 15-18 -- A New Heaven & New Earth Conference
The U.S. Chapter of the World Student Christian Federation, a global, ecumenical network of Christian students will hold their inaugural conference, “A New Heaven & New Earth,” and bring students across the U.S. and around the world together at Princeton University. This conference is for students of all ages (undergraduate or graduate) and young adults ages 18-35. Registration fee covers three nights of accommodations and six meals and is $100. For more information contact: Rev. Neal Christie, Executive Minister of Connected Engagement
September 20 -- October 18 -- The Congregational Depression Awareness Program (CDAP)
These classes will be held virtually on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. CDAP is a 5-week, 10-hour course for volunteers from local religious communities who are interested in coordinating depression awareness and support programs in their congregations. Participants receive instruction, resources and ongoing support to assist individuals directly and indirectly impacted by depression. Deadline is Sept. 5. Download the flyer to learn more.
September 22 (7pm) -- Journey to Beloved Community (registration closes September 12)
This is an eight-session online course that focuses on six actions you and community partners can take to create inclusive spaces of belonging and becoming. An orientation will be held Thursday, Sept. 15. The classes run Thursday evenings from Sept. 22 to Oct. 27, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Learn more and register.
September 24 (11am) -- It's Your Story to Tell!
Storytelling for Advocacy Training is a special event led by SPACEs in Action at the BWC Mission Center and online. Participants will be guided to articulate what they value and then connect their problems or issues into bold solutions and actions through storytelling.