Central Maryland District News ~ June 10, 2022
Annual Conference Highlights
Members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference met June 1-3 for a time of holy conferencing and worship. See an overview of the event. See stories from the Session. Read how BWC churches are growing with the four pillars of vitality.2024 Holy Land Pilgrimage
Bishop Easterling is hosting a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2024, For more information and to register click here. If you have questions or need further information, please email the Society for Biblical Studies at
Every Other Thursday (12:30pm) -- The Unfinished Church Lunch & Listen
The Unfinished Church podcast is for all who are ready to unite and build a world in which racial prejudice has no power. Follow @unfinishedumc on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter for all the news and learn more at theunfinishedchurch.org. Episode three drops on Thursday, June 16 with Opal Lee, known as the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Engage with The Unfinished Church podcast by hosting a listening party or join others at The Unfinished Church's Lunch & Listen every other Thursday via Zoom from 12:30-1:30 pm EST. The next one will be on June 23. Register here. These will not be recorded, so be sure to register and join!June 28 (11am) -- Administrators In Ministry Information Meeting
One of our greatest strengths in the United Methodist structure is our connectionalism; we are stronger together! We are excited to share that the BWC will be starting a local PAUMCS chapter, Administrators In Ministry (A.I.M.). It is yet another way that we can strengthen our connectional bonds and create a more supportive base to help increase the effectiveness of our collective "administry". To find out more about A.I.M., we invite you to join us for an informational meeting via Zoom. This will be an interactive session and we encourage all church administrative staff and clergy to attend to find out more and how A.I.M. can support your "administry". To register to participate, click the following link: https://www.bwcumc.org/event/6810793-2022-06-28-administrators-in-ministry-informational-meeting/June 30 (Deadline) -- Fund Balance Report
This form must be completed through Arena by the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, Treasurer, or Pastor by June 30, 2022. We did not include this report with Charge Conference material so that it could cover the fiscal year of January 1 – December 31. If you need further assistance, contact the district office. Visit the Finance resource webpage for additional information -- https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/finance/forms-and-reports/
Church Administrator (Part Time)
Wesley Freedom UMC in Sykesville (961 Johnsville Rd.) is hiring a Church Administrator. They seek an excellent communicator who is motivated to help this large, dynamic church community function effectively. This 30 hour-a-week administrator will execute multifaceted communications and oversee operations of the office, facilities, and calendars. Salary is $36,000 (negotiable). Learn more and apply.
Facilities Service Worker ( Full or Part Time)
Glen Mar UMC in Ellicott City (4701 New Cut Rd.) is seeking an energetic Facilities Service Worker, to assist in all types of services, from light maintenance to custodial work, including event set up and break down. The Service Worker will report to the Facilities Manager. If interested, please contact Brian Tucker (
Organist/Choir Accompanist
St. Paul’s UMC in Sykesville (7538 Main St) seeks an Organist/Choir Accompanist responsible for providing the service music for worship at 11am on Sunday mornings, accompanying the choir in rehearsal each Wednesday night, and providing service music and accompaniment during special, seasonal worship services (e.g. Lenten/Easter, Advent/Christmas). The salary is negotiable and commensurate with experience. The full posting is available at https://stpaulssykesville.com/organist-accompanist-position/. Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to
June 11 -- March For Our Lives
Students and youth organizers with the March for Our Lives gun violence prevention movement are planning nationwide actions following the Texas elementary school shooting, including a march on Washington, D.C., on Saturday June 11. Organizers and activists also plan to meet with lawmakers in the Capitol from June 7 to June 10 to push for a universal background checks website. March For Our Lives is a youth-led movement advocating for an end to what they say is an “epidemic of gun violence,” which was formed in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting in 2018. Click here to learn more about what the UMC says we can do to take action.
June 18 (8:30am) -- Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March
Join your siblings from the BWC and thousands more for the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington & to the Polls. On Saturday, June 18, United Methodists will meet at 8:30 a.m. in front of the U.S. Botanic Gardens at 100 Maryland Avenue in SW, Washington, D.C. Learn more about the March and register. Please share this event with your congregations and networks and let us know that you are joining us. For those unable to join us for the March, there are many more additional ways to add your voice.
June 25 (10am) -- Virtual People’s Supper Conference-wide Brave Conversation
During this virtual mini-people’s supper, we will have a brave conversation regarding how we can be disciples of Jesus Christ who love well across all dimensions of difference, be a church that embodies antiracism, and build beloved community. This virtual session is free and open to all. Register here or go to https://forms.gle/gaJLMnsQ9gtttjd9A.
June 25 -- Get Ready to Participate in Understanding Your Congregation & Community through Your ComparativeInsite Report
Your District Missional Action Planning (dMAP) team is working to ensure that your church has the data it needs to develop meaningful relationships and ministry with your community using the ComparativeInsite report from MissionInsite. One of the first steps in this process is to upload resident, active participants in order to run the ComparativeInsite report–the most ministry-impacting MissionInsite standard report. Click here for a step-by-step guide -- https://www.bwcumc.org/article/step-by-step-guide-to-creating-a-comparativeinsite-report/. Registration will open soon.
June 30 (Deadline) -- Fund Balance Report
This form must be completed through Arena by the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, Treasurer, or Pastor by June 30, 2022. We did not include this report with Charge Conference material so that it could cover the fiscal year of January 1 – December 31. If you need further assistance, contact your district office. Visit the Finance resource webpage for additional information -- https://www.bwcumc.org/administration/finance/forms-and-reports/
July 28 -- Earthkeepers
The General Board of Global Ministries is also seeking applications for the next virtual EarthKeepers training this summer.
July 29-30 -- Mission u 2022
Mission u is scheduled for July 29, 6:45pm - 9pm and July 30, 8:30am - 5pm. The theme is Building Communities of Hope and Joy - Luke 13. The Women of Faith encourage maximum participation by offering both a face-to-face and virtual experience via ZOOM. In person space, for Adult registration, is limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Youth - Mission u is IN PERSON ONLY. Register online. You may also print the form and mail it to: Rita Green, 12410 Fellowship Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878. If you have any questions about registration and payment, please contact Mission u Registrar: Rita Green at
or 301-648-8294.
July 30 -- Early Response Team (ERT)
One of the primary ways the Baltimore-Washington Conference responds to disasters is via our Early Response Team (ERT). Our ERTs respond to disasters within the conference and throughout the United Methodist Connection. The mission of an Early Response Team is to provide a caring presence in the aftermath of a disaster, under very specific guidelines that enables a team to be productive and caring while causing no further harm or being a burden to the affected community. If you are called to serve as a member of a BWC ERT, please register for one of the upcoming training sessions. These trainings are taught by skilled UMCOR trainers, and team members are given authorized ERT ID badges from UMCOR as evidence of completing the training. Both certification ($35) and re-certification ($25) will be provided during these sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure compliance with COVID protocols. July 30 at Hiss UMC in Parkville, MD and Aug 20 at the Mission Center in Fulton, MD
August 3-6 -- The Hispanic Youth Leadership Academy (HYLA)
HYLA college session will be held in person at Wesley Theological Seminary. The theme is Theology and the Public Square: Responses to a World Threatened by Intermittent Pandemics. If your congregation has Hispanic-Latino college students who want to be part of this program, they can apply at: https://www.hylaumc.com/hyla-college-2022/. Guest Speakers: Dr. Lucila Crena, Dr. Cristian De La Rosa. To learn more about HYLA visit:https://youtu.be/-ErS1UZEp-Y. Download the flyer.
August 26 -- Wesley Theological Seminary’s Health Minister Certificate Course
This course aids individuals in learning and growing in faith and health is now open for registration. The Certificate continues to be a great way for people to learn about the basic foundations of health ministry – a ministry which integrates body, mind, and spirit. The registration deadline for the Online Fall Health Minister Certificate is August 26, 2022. Partial and Full Scholarships are Available. E-mail Tom Pruski at
with any questions. To register for the upcoming online certificate, please click on the following direct link: https://www.wesleyseminary.edu/ice/programs/heal-the-sick/hts_certificate_fall2022/
Mission Trip on the Eastern Shore -- August
Morgan Chapel Charge is coordinating a disaster response mission trip to build homes near Crisfield on the Eastern Shore in early August. If you have folks who would be interested in joining us please be in touch -
Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN)
FAN is an established, proven, and effective program to help local congregations become stronger in health! Churches can benefit from FAN by having healthier members. Healthy members can more fully participate in church life and carry out the work of God. Join the more than 300 churches across the country completing FAN Training. The FAN Online Training, comprised of 8 self-paced sessions, is provided at no charge to participants. The program also includes 12 months of materials and resources to help your church launch FAN and sustain it over the first year. If you are interested in this training, complete an interest form today!
Are You Being Called to Become a Certified Lay Minister?
New Certified Lay Minister Class Applications are now being accepted -- Applications for the next class of Certified Lay Minister, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Class of 2022-2024, are now being accepted. Go to the BWC website at https://www.bwcumc.org/ministries/certified-lay-ministers/ to learn more and see if you qualify and if you have met the pre-requisite requirements. Prospective CLM students must currently be a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker and must consult with their pastor before beginning the process. Additional information and frequently asked questions can be found on the website. Questions can be directed to Linda Flanagan, Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries, at
5 Ways to Overcome Anxiety
Take a 1-minute break for self-care. Learn five ways you can overcome anxiety when you feel fearful or stressed. This video from The United Methodist Church offers a guided space to pause so that you can find the road back to peace.
ResourceUMC.org: Communications & Marketing Tools
These online tools support your local congregation’s communication online and in your local community. Use MyPortal to customize your communication needs or follow this link to explore all the tools -- https://www.resourceumc.org/en/agencies/communications/communications-marketing
Support Migrants Seeking Asylum
Your help needed to support migrants: The Baltimore-Washington area is receiving a new influx of migrants from the southern border. Conference leaders are noting a significant need for basic items and temporary shelter. They are also calling on United Methodists to urge congressional leaders to end Title 42. Learn more.
Worship Resources Commemorating Millions of COVID Deaths
This morning, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 995,747 people in the United States have died from COVID-19. As we mourn this tragedy, lived out in a million personal stories of loss and suffering, the Wellness and Missions Board of the Baltimore-Washington Conference is offering a resource for local churches. This webpage – at www.bwcumc.org/article/worship-resources-commemorating-one-million-covid-deaths/ – provides congregations with resources they can use to commemorate the unprecedented milestone in worship and other devotional settings. (We recognize these resources may seem a little early, but we wanted to ensure churches have adequate time as they plan their worship experiences.)
Subscribe to the UM News Daily Digest
United Methodist News keeps you informed about breaking news that affects the church. UM News also provides features, commentaries, and photos highlighting the work of the church in every corner of the globe. Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter -- https://www.umnews.org/en/subscription-pages/umnews-daily-digest-subscribe.
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is a time to raise awareness about the importance of mental health. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through older adulthood. Learn what the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and National Alliance on Mental Illness are doing to raise awareness.
Replay the Stay or Go Webinar
For individuals and churches discerning their future, the Conference has a link to playback the Stay or Go webinar and has provided several resources. For more specific information, please contact Rev. Dawn M. Hand, District Superintendent.
Earthkeepers Podcast
As the BWC continues its ministry to care for the earth, we recommend the podcast “Earthkeepers: Loving Creation Across Generations,” with the Rev. Cary James and Caleb James.
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Re-entering Well Resources
A number of resources are available to assist local churches with re-entry — https://www.bwcumc.org/article/re-entering-well/
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought overwhelming grief to many families. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an UMCOR partner, is dedicated to helping ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the virus. Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 -related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. For more information about this assistance, visit COVID-19 Funeral Assistance | FEMA.gov or call (844) 684-6333. Get answers to frequently asked questions about the application process on FEMA’s Funeral Assistance FAQ page. Watch the video, Providing Financial Assistance for COVID-19-related Funeral Expenses or share this flyer.