District News

B'more Metro Let's GO! - July 2017

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Wanda Greetings from Rev. Wanda Bynum Duckett

Baltimore-Metropolitan District Friends:

On this glorious day, I send Greetings to all with the joy of Christ Jesus.  

I thank you for welcoming Maurita Williams-Bowie as our new District Administrator. She will be a blessing to the Baltimore Metropolitan District as we all live into this new season of ministry together. 

As we live into our new season of ministry, our onboarding, trainings and all around settling in is taking place this summer, preparing us for the rigors of fall.

I will be travelling this summer to attend connectional activities and trainings.

I’m requesting your prayers as I will be away from the office on the following dates:

- August 20 - 24, DS/DCM Training, Lake Junaluska, NC

- August 28 - 30, Outcomes Training Event, Dallas, TX

- September 10-14, Cabinet Retreat (Location TBD)

Please be assured that matters requiring my immediate response will be covered by the on-call DS. However, is your first line of communication. 

Friends, I love hearing about your church activities. Please let us know about special events taking place at your church. I will try my best to stop by and say hello.

The Baltimore-Metropolitan District Superintendent Installation service is being held at Epworth Chapel UMC on October 29,  at 3 p.m. Please mark your calendars. 

Maurita and I are so excited about serving the Baltimore-Metropolitan District! Thank you for granting us this blessed opportunity.   

B’more-Metro...Let's GO!

Rev. Dr. Wanda Bynum Duckett

