District News

Baltimore Metro - Events

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September 15 - United Methodist Day of Health

Rev. Dr. Irance Reddix of St. Johns Baltimore, will deliver a presentation on the Adullum Community Healthcare Center during this event.  The purpose of this event is  "to further The United Methodist Church’s commitment to creating abundant health for all, Global Ministries in partnership with the North Georgia Annual Conference, is bringing together local United Methodist churches, health care coordinators, general agency representatives, global health partners, and affiliates for the UMC Day of Health, September 15, 2017, at Dunwoody United Methodist Church in Atlanta, Georgia."

September 16 - UM Historical Society Annual Meeting @ Historic Emory Grove 

September 23 - Taste and See DMV

One part inspiration, one part application and one part immersion, the day has been designed to encourage and support you in taking innovative yet practical next steps so that you and your friends can start new communities with new people to do good with God. What next steps?

September 27 - District Clergy Meeting

October 5 & 6 - NEJ BMCR Meeting - Mount Vernon, NY

October 7 - Hispanic Heritage Day - Millian Memorial UMC

October 15 - Installation Service - Rev. Ann LaPrade - Baltimore Suburban DS

October 29 - Installation Service - Rev. Dr. Wanda Bynum Duckett - Baltimore Metro DS 



