AN District News......UMC Buzz....May 19, 2023
In 1739, in his journal, Methodism's founder John Wesley wrote: “At four in the afternoon, I submitted ‘to be more vile’ and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation.” That day, he preached to 3,000 people about Luke 4:18-19. Last week, Ashley Boggan, a United Methodist historian and agency top executive, shared with the Council of Bishops how the United Methodist history as a movement can shape today's church.
“Some people will wrestle with the term ‘vile,’” said Bishop LaTrelle Easterling. But she sees it as a call to be subversive in the same way Christ was subversive. "Christ was subversive to those oppressive forces that were privileging some at the expense of others. I think General Secretary Boggan calls us back to that kind of theology, that kind of advocacy, that kind of bold, innovative action.” See the story.
May 21 is Heritage Sunday. In celebration of Methodist history, the General Commission on Archives and History recently selected two BWC churches and a BWC history video for awards. The commission received about one hundred submissions for the Local Church History Contest, and chose 10. The three from the BWC are: Metropolitan Memorial UMC in Baltimore; Dumbarton UMC in Washington D.C.; and the Conference's Pilgrimage Passport Video series. Learn more.
The June issue of The Bulletin, a monthly reproducible resource on vitality for local churches to distribute to their congregations, is now available. This month's issue includes a message from Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, an article on the power and potential of the laity, insights from the Thursdays at the Table podcast, and some interesting facts about Methodism's founder, John Wesley. Download and reproduce your copy.
Celebrating Young People: The voices, ideas and thoughts of our young people will be the focus of the Annual Conference session on Saturday morning, June 3. We will be celebrating confirmands and those newly confirmed. Please use this form to submit church names and young people's names to be displayed on screens so that they might be celebrated. There will also be opportunities for individuals or youth groups to showcase their gifts and talents with the Annual Conference. If you are a young person (or work with young people) who would like to share/lead on Saturday, fill out this form. If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Cook.
Campus Ministry Chaplain Sought: Applications for the campus ministry chaplaincy at Frostburg State University are being accepted through May 22. See the job description.
The Council of Bishops is calling for a 5-day General Conference in May 2026 that would focus on re-establishing the connection, lament and healing, celebration, recasting the mission and vision for The United Methodist Church and considering a more regional governance structure to support the mission and vision of the church for the current and future realities. This gathering would be in addition to the regular General Conference sessions already planned for 2024 and 2028. See the story.
Level Up is a video series that provides lessons in church leadership from the Rev. Jack Shitama of the Center of Vital Leadership. This week, Shitama asks the intriguing question: "Finite and Infinite Games: Which One Are You Playing?" A new video premieres each Monday.
Mission-Shaped Church is a weekly blog that helps leaders grow in discipleship. Written by the Revs. Bill Brown and Lauren Harris, who lead the BWC's innovative evangelism ministries, the blog is an important resource for those seeking to grow in their understanding of faith and "move from maintenance to mission."
Discipleship Calendar -- At a Glance
United Methodist Heritage Sunday May 21
Baltimore-Washington Conference Annual session May 31 - June 3, Hilton Hotel, Baltimore
Colonial Days at Strawbridge Shrine June 17, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., New Windsor
Step Out: Discerning a Call to Ministry June 24, 11 a.m. Wesley Freedom UMC, Sykesville
Camp Joy July 9 - 15 and July 16 - 22 A mission camp for youth
Mission u July 22 Community UMC, Crofton
Discipleship Opportunities
Assisting migrants with personal needs: As migrants continue to arrive in Washington, DC, we ask you to support our new neighbors. Donate now to help purchase much-needed undergarments for children and adults.
Donate Now:
- Give online at: org/migrantcrisisdonations
- Text MIGRANT to 410-220-2402
- Mail a check, made payable to “BWC Treasurer” with “migrant” in the memo field, to Baltimore-Washington Conference Center, 11711 E Market Place, Suite 1, Fulton, MD, 20759, ATTN: Dr. Emma Arely Escobar
Fund Balance Report (deadline June 30) – Upload in Arena
Who can upload a signed copy of the Fund Balance Report in Arena?
• Church Finance Chair or Church Treasurer or Church Pastor – log-in as themselves
• Church Administrator (must log-in with the Church's Arena Account credentials)
The Fund Balance Report template can be downloaded from the BWC Financial Forms & Reports web page.
Annapolis Lay Servant Academy
Greetings Annapolis District Laity. Please see our list for the summer session classes with the Lay Servant Academy. Please note the change that some classes are offered as in-person sessions. Please register as soon as possible to confirm your class and fulfill your requirements for the upcoming church conference season. Please use the link here.