AN District News......UMC Buzz....August 24, 2023
Church Conference Season is Upon Us!
Please see the links below to assist you this church conference season.
Training videos:
• Clergy Compensation
• Certified Lay Report Submission
• Nomination and Committee Leader Toolbox
• Nominations Report
• BWC Website & CC Landing pages
• Arena Log-in
Important links:
• Visit the church conference webpage for forms and worksheets.
• Download the checklist to guide you thru the process.
• Print the prior year's reports, log-in to Arena as the church.
• Log-in to Arena to upload this year's reports.
• Get instructions to update the Nominations Report (including the Unified Board)
• Learn about the Unified Board (aka One Board Model)
• Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page.
• Remember to print and share the meeting Agenda.
District News:
Sunday at Friendship Church (Friendship, MD) on July 30th when the District Superintendent Rev. Sarah Andrews Schlieckert, celebrated with the congregation and Pastor Rudy White to burn the mortgage. The ideas for a building renovation started in 2007 and the congregation had raised $500,000 of the estimated $1,500,000 project cost by December 2012. Construction was completed in December 2014 and the congregation assumed a mortgage of $620,000. Speed ahead to 2022 when the possibility of a one-time payment to reduce the mortgage balance of $105,000 was discussed. As donations rolled in, it became clear that paying off the entire amount was insight. Sunday’s celebration was a culmination of efforts and allows the church to use these funds towards other mission activities.
Please join us for Church At The Beach | Baptism, Worship Service & Fellowship | SUNDAY, SEPT 10TH, 2023 1 SERVICE - 3 CHURCHES (Cecil, Fowler, and Bethel) - 1 LOCATION West River Camp: 5100 Chalk Point, West River MD 20778. See DetaIls Here: https://fb.watch/mxNeh59kTB/
If you are interested in being baptized, please complete the Form found at this link https://forms.gle/CsQwwsyPevzeUpyr9 or on the form found on the Bulletin Board outside of the Sanctuary at the church.
In Other News
Aug. 26-27—60th Celebration Anniversary of the March on Washington
In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, the Caucus of African American Leaders (CAAL) is planning a two-day event Saturday, August 26, and Sunday, August 27. Events include a March Reenactment, Youth Program, and Mural Presentation on Saturday, and an Activation Sunday and Worship Service on Sunday. Learn More Here.
Sept. 1 (deadline)—Immigration Border Immersion Registration Extended
When: October 19-2023 | Where: San Diego, California & Tijuana, Mexico
The 2023 Immigration Border Immersion is NOW OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. We seek clergy, laity, and young people (21-35 yrs. old) who want a transformational experience and learn about migration, immigration, and root causes. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to God through the voice of the immigrant and be part of the change as they implement and take action in their local communities. Cost: $860 per person (includes- flight (carry-on & personal item only), six meals (October 20th- Lunch & Dinner | October 21- Lunch & Dinner | October 22- Lunch & Dinner) | Onsite transportation, and double occupancy hotel room). Scholarships are available for adults (clergy & lay) and young adults (21-35). Please note: All applicants need a United States passport that does not expire six months after the trip and, all applicants need to be able to walk 2.5 miles (accommodations are made for transportation if requested). View information about previous immersions: https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/border-immersion-a-justice-journey/ and https://www.bwcumc.org/news-and-views/bwc-border-trip-inspires-return-journey-of-faith/.
Sept. 15 (10am)—A.I.M. (Administrators in Ministry) Annual Meeting
Calling all church administrators to West River Camp near Annapolis. All administrators in the UMC are invited to participate and learn to take their administry to the next level. The cost of the event is $35 for A.I.M. members and $60 for non-A.I.M. members. Register here. The mission focus for this year’s meeting is supporting St. Matthew's in Shady Side Baby Pantry. See a listing of requested items for the pantry. Learn more about A.I.M.
Oct. 26—Clergy Day Away
Beloved clergy, are you looking for opportunities to reconnect with other clergy friends and colleagues? Would you enjoy a day away to be refreshed by good company, the beauty of creation, and spiritual practices? Join us at Camp Manidokan (1600 Harpers Ferry Road, Knoxville, MD 21758) for a day of fellowship and play. Learn more and register here.
Nov. 4—Fresh Expressions Academy
Most church leaders tend to ask themselves two questions, one focuses on the past and one focuses on the present. Questions like: “What happened?”, “What led up to this?”, or “Remember when…” all focus on the past. Questions like: “What’s important right now?”, “How do we fix this?” or “What are our current challenges?”, tend to focus on the present. Innovative leaders ask questions focused on the future, without dismissing the past or being rooted in the present. If you’ve been asking the question, “What’s next?”, then this academy may be for you. The Fresh Expressions Academy launches November 4 and lasts for 12 months. It combines presentations, regular coaching, peer-to-peer discussions, immersion experiences, and an online group to help facilitate the cultivation of Fresh Expressions. It is designed to equip clergy and laity to innovate and take risks to engage people who are not yet part of a faith community. New information, including IMPORTANT DATES, has been added to the Registration Page. Click HERE to learn more.
Level Up: A Piece at a Time Masterclass in Leadership
Rev. Jack Shitama, director of the conferences' Center for Vital Leadership, helps leaders grow. In these short videos, church leaders will discover some of the best and most influential principles in today’s secular writing about leadership. Learn, step-by-step, from the masters, to transform yourself and the world. A new Level Up video lesson appears each Monday in the e-Connection.
Mission-Shaped Church & MissionInsite
Rev. Dr. Tom Bandy will share monthly wisdom on how you can best use MissionInsite to support outreach and evangelism. See his first post on how MissionInsite can help you plan for September ministry events and welcome people back to church. Bandy is an internationally-recognized consultant and coach. He has made himself available for free one-on-one consultations for members of the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware conferences. If you are a member of either of these conferences, you can schedule a time to meet with him. Need the basics on MissionInsite? Start here.