AN District News.......UMC Buzz.......April 3, 2020
The BWC's response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Churches within the Baltimore-Washington Conference have been meeting remotely for worship for three weeks. This week, following the mandates of area governmental officials, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling has directed BWC churches to continue to meet off-site through April 26 in order to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
A Palm/Passion Sunday Service, that follows the United Methodist Book of Worship liturgy, has been created by the BWC's district superintendents. A video of this service will be posted on the BWC website Thursday for churches to use April 5. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and the conference worship team are creating an Easter Sunday worship experience that will also be shared with via video with local churches.
The Pre-Conference Briefing, scheduled for April 18 at 9:30 a.m., has been canceled. In its place, a virtual State of the Church meeting will be held online. Information on financial relief for local churches from the Board of Pensions and other information will be presented and a questions and answer session will be held with leaders of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Register online.
The General Conference of The United Methodist Church, scheduled for May 5,15 in Minneapolis, has been canceled. Organizers are making plans for how it might be re-scheduled. The General Council on Finance and Administration has reported the denomination will continue to function under the 2016-2020 budget. Learn more.
All United Methodists are encouraged to continue to practice good stewardship, giving their tithes and offerings electronically. To assist local churches, the Conference Board of Pensions is waiving local church benefit obligations for three months. These benefits include Employer Pension Premiums (CRSP-DB, CRSP-DC, and CPP/UMLife Option) and Employer HealthFlex Premiums ($860/month per participant). Conference leaders will also offer grants and loans to churches experiencing financial difficulties. Learn more.
In addition, the Board of Pensions is offering comparable relief benefit for the 252 churches that do not have pension and medical benefit obligations with a Small Church Grant Initiative. Learn more.
Some churches have raised questions about celebrating Communion online. Bishop Easterling offers insights for those considering those questions.
Inspirational Information from fellow District Clergy
Rev. Tillett was on a conference call Thursday, April 2, 2020; with our two U.S. Senators (Cardin and Van Hollen). They were speaking with about 80 clergy from around the state. They shared a lot, but these are the most relevant things for most of us:
1) Anyone with Federal Student Loans/Government-backed student loans will receive a 60 day forbearance on repaying those loans. If stay-at-home orders extend beyond 60 days, then the forbearance will also be extended the commensurate amount of time, in 30-day increments.
2) Anyone with a federally-backed mortgage loan can also contact their mortgage company and be granted forbearance on their mortgage loan for 60 days with possible increases in 30 day increments, as well.) Foreclosures are barred during this time frame.
3) If one is unable to pay their rent due to loss of income, evictions have been barred (I believe at both the county and state level), likely in the same time span, as above.
4) Tax day has been moved from April 15 to July 15. Your taxes forms will be due at that time. No penalties or interest is supposed to accrue during that time. Of course, if you are expecting a refund and get them completed sooner, so much the better.
5) Unemployment Insurance - if you have been laid off from your primary job (not a 2nd job...that's a little more complicated) you should contact the Unemployment Office immediately/submit the application online, to begin to receive unemployment benefits in short order. From what I understand, taxpayers will receive their normal unemployment benefit plus an additional $600/week until the stay-at-home orders are rescinded.
6) SNAP benefits have also been expanded. If you are (or know someone who is) a SNAP beneficiary, please contact the appropriate offices. Of course, the ABUMC food pantry is open 2-days a week during the shut down and serves the public Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 AM-1 PM.
Another large-scale food distribution is listed, below and is taking place tomorrow, Thursday, April 2. ABUMC will be having talks with the AACo. Partnership for Children, Youth and Families to determine whether we might also become a distribution center for food in the Annapolis/Broadneck Peninsula area. Stay tuned...
A final thought. If you are fortunate enough to still have adequate income flowing while sheltering-in-place, now might be an excellent time to eliminate a couple of debts so that your financial life can be a bit less stressful after the shutdown, than it was before. Use these opportunities productively and astutely!
Inspirational video from Pastor Marilyn Lewis of Adams UMC
Additional Important Information
We also want to remind you of the upcoming Training Tuesday webinar on April 7th, at 7 pm: To Serve in this Present Age: Leading and Serving in the Midst of Trauma and Grief, presented by Dr. Deborah Haskins. For more information, click the following link:
Additionally, we encourage you to visit the Conference website to remain plugged into the latest regarding COVID-19 and various resources available to support churches during these unprecedented times. For more information explicitly relating to the financial relief available for BWC churches (including state and federal government financial relief programs/grants), click the following link: (Please note that the Paycheck Protection Program, PPP, application process begins today, April 3rd.)
If choosing to take advantage of the available relief, the following resources may prove helpful in completing the required applications:
Sign up for a church consultation on local church finances, online giving, benefits, or stewardship generosity and planned giving:
Missed the Tuesday night’s Local Church Finance Webinar:
To request a Group Ruling letter for the church’s 501c3 status as a UM Church:
Check to ensure the church’s incorporated status is in good standing: