Clergy Renewal Leave Grants

Starting July 1, 2024, the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be providing Renewal Leave Grants, ranging from $2,500 to $5,000, to cover the costs associated with clergy persons seeking time away from pastoral duties through renewal leave.

Timeline for Grant Application and Use

For the 2024 Pilot Program year, the grant cycle will run from July 1 – December 30, 2024. Applicants should first submit an inquiry (using the form linked below). If applicants are moved forward, full applications are due by September 15. For this first year, funding can be used between October 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

In subsequent years, the funding cycle will follow the calendar year. The Application deadline will be August 1. Notifications will be made by October 1. Leave must be taken by December 31 of the following year.

Renewal Leave Grant Inquiry Form

Application Process and Form

  1. Applications for Renewal Leave shall be sent to the Ministerial Services Coordinator in the Mission Office. An application must be received at least 120 days prior to the date the Renewal Leave begins and by the deadline of August 1 of the current year, for funding for the next calendar year. All applications will be considered at the same time. Grant awards will be determined by the review team no later than one month after the above due date. A maximum of $5000 is available for a Renewal Leave grant.

  2. Pastoral supply is the responsibility of the pastor. The District Superintendent may be able to provide contact information of individuals willing to provide pastoral leadership to the church during the Renewal Leave. Funding for this coverage (in addition to other financial requests) may be included in the grant application.

  3. Each application shall be considered carefully and prayerfully by representatives of the Board of Ordained Ministry Renewal Leave Committee. Their decision will be reported to the clergy person, the SPRC, and the District Superintendent of the pastoral charge.

 Criteria for Approval

  • Applicants must be full members or associate members of the Baltimore Washington Conference or local pastors who have made satisfactory progress on the Course of Study, and who are currently in an appointment. Applicants must have served a minimum of six (6) consecutive years under full-time appointment (or the part-time equivalent) prior to their application.

  • Applicants who have been granted a renewal grant previously may apply for additional grants. However, first-time applicants shall be given priority.

 The following shall be carefully considered:

  • The circumstances of each applicant.

  • The recommendations of the District Superintendent, the Pastor-Staff Parish Relations Committee, and the Administrative Board/Church Council/Unified Board.

  • The availability of sufficient funds to underwrite the request. 

Steps for Approval

Before applying, the applicant must do the following:

  1. Meet jointly with the District Superintendent and the Pastor-Staff Parish Relations Committee of the local church/charge being served at the time of the request to describe the plan for the Renewal leave.
  2. Secure the approval of the Administrative Council/Church Council/Unified Board and the Pastor-Staff Parish Relations Committee of the church/charge being served at the time of the request. Request that the chairs of each committee submit their recommendation via the online form linked below.
  3. Secure the written approval of their District Superintendent at the time of the request via the online form linked below.

Renewal Leave Grant Recommendation Form

The applicant is responsible for completing the application, securing all required recommendations, and completing the online application (provided by the Ministerial Services Coordinator) at least 120 days before the date requested for the time of renewal and by August 1, of the current year.


  1. The local church/charge will continue to pay the pastor's salary and benefits during the period she or he is on Renewal Leave.

  2. If awarded a grant, payment of the grant funds will be made by the annual conference directly to the church, following receipt of a voucher from the local church Treasurer for expenses If the grant includes funds to pay the person giving pastoral coverage, this will be remitted according to arrangements made before the Renewal Leave. If the grant includes funding for expenses incurred by the pastor, payment will be made to the pastor after the submission of appropriate receipts.

  3. All reimbursement requests must be submitted to the Ministerial Services Coordinator within one month after the completion of the Renewal Leave, or by December 31 of that year, whichever comes first.