06.12.20 | Racial Justice
In our liturgy, we come together to repent, lament, give thanks and glorify God as, a people of faith, we address racial justice.
services/order of worship
- UMW Resources for Racial Justice, which include a section on worship
- Anti-racism Worship Resources from the Western Pennsylvania Conference
- Migration Sunday Order of Worship informed by border immersion participants
- From Lament to Prophesy: A Litany for Black Lives
- Great Thanksgiving - Communion Liturgy Celebrating Cultural Diversity written by the Rev. Mike Johnson; published by GCORR.
- Daily Prayers for Anti-Racism
- Weekly Scriptures, Prayers and Meditations on Anti-Racism from the National Council of Churches
- A Prayer for Racial Justice
- Prayer of Lament and Repentance
- Sermons on Anti-Racism from Discipleship Ministries
- From the Pulpit: Sermons Preaching Against Racism from the General Commission on Religion and Race
Gospel Lessons on Rejecting Racism
- Samaritan woman: John 4:1-42
- Dignifying second-class citizens: Galatians 3:28
- Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37
- Risking one’s reputation: Deuteronomy 10:11-12
- Drunkards and prostitutes: Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 7:36-50; Matthew 21:28-32
other Books
- Music resources for Times of Anger and Grief: from Discipleship Ministries
- Five Ideas for Stewardship that focus on Anti-Racism