03.17.20 | Wellness and Missions
Microgrants for Coronavirus Response
In the wake of COVID-19, faith communities that are feeding, clothing, and caring for persons in crisis are invited to apply to COVID-19 Peace with Justice micro-grants. These micro-grants are available for amounts up to $500. Applicants will be notified of their status no later than seven days after applications are received. To apply, click here. Only Baltimore-Washington Conference churches may apply.
Double the Impact of Your Giving and support our churches’ outreach to the most vulnerable by making a donation to the BWC’s Peace with Justice fund.
Other Outreach
For churches who host 12-Step meetings, please share information about the following recovery meetings which are available virtually:
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings online here
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings online here, by phone here, and with ASL interpretation here (for the last one, note that times are in Pacific Time)
The coronavirus offers numerous opportunities for churches to reach out to those in their communities and beyond.
Support Global Ministries: The General Board of Global Ministries’ Global Health unit supports healthcare options for the poor.
Meals sites for children: A listing of locations where D.C., Maryland, and Virginia children and youth can get free meals during the COVID-19 shutdown
Regional medical resources: Up-to-date information about testing centers, health benefits and other medical-related resources related to Covid-19
- Maryland
- West Virginia
- District of Columbia: Search services available by zip code
10 Guidelines for Pastoral Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak: Christian Century offers 10 brief guidelines for how ministers, chaplains, counselors, and educators can accompany people pastorally through this valley of anxiety, fear, and death.
American Red Cross: Severe blood shortages reported, donors needed
Maryland Responds: Medical Reserve Corps: An online registration system for medical and public health volunteers willing to provide services during times of disaster in Maryland.
Aunt Bertha - Help in Need
Aunt Bertha is an online database individuals can search by zip code and type of need (ex. food pantry, childcare subsidy, low-cost healthcare, etc.) Here is the public page: https://www.auntbertha.com/ Anyone can search Aunt Bertha for free. Aunt Bertha can eliminate the need for people to create lists of community resources. It is very comprehensive and lists a number of resources local to me.
Programs that aren't listed can be suggested to Aunt Bertha here: https://www.auntbertha.com/find_a_program
- Provided by Kerry Revel, Abundant Health Network