06.12.20 | Racial Justice
UM Council of Bishops
We recognize racism as a sin. We commit to challenging unjust systems of power and access. We will work for equal and equitable opportunities in employment and promotion, education and training; in voting, access to public accommodations, and housing; to credit, loans, venture capital, and insurance; to positions of leadership and power in all elements of our life together; and to full participation in the Church and society.
- Dismantling Racism Panels sponsored by the Council of Bishops and Religion and Race
- Ebony Bishops statement on racism
Bishop Easterling on race
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, episcopal leader of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. She is known for her powerful witness to discipleship, racial justice, and social action.
June 9, 2020: Bishop featured in Prayer of Protest.
June 8, 2020: Bishops United Against Racism, Bishops Easterling, and Farr in a UMCOM podcast.
June 4, 2020: Bishop Calls for Dismantling the Architecture of Institutional Racism.
July 30, 2019: BWC Leaders Affirm Baltimore
March 15, 2019: Pastoral Letter After Christchurch Tragedy
August 12, 2018: Opening sermon, "Created by God," at the United to Love Rally in Washington, DC
January 11, 2018: Episcopal statement on reported remarks of President.
August 12, 2017: Episcopal statement on Charlottesville.
May 23, 2017: Episcopal statement on the stabbing of an African American student at the University of Maryland.
April 5, 2017: Participated in the Rally to End Racism.
January 19, 2017: Bishop Easterling speaks at American University for Martin Luther King.
September 20, 2016: Episcopal statement on the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina, provoking violent protests.
Racial Ethnic Caucuses in the UMC
There are five racial/ethnic caucuses in the United Methodist Church. They are:
- Black Methodist for Church Renewal (BMCR)
- Metodistas Associados Representando la Causa de Hispano-Americanos (MARCHA)
- National Federation of Asian American United Methodists (NFAAUM)
- Native American International Caucus (NAIC)
- Pacific Islander National Caucus of United Methodists (PINCUM)
The Inter-ethnic Strategy Development Group coordinates advocacy witness of the racial and ethnic caucuses
United Methodist Denominational Documents
- Bishops' Juneteenth Dismantling Racism Announcement
- 2016 Social Principles and Resolutions on Racial Justice
- Environmental Racism in the US p. 55
- A Charter for Racial Justice in an Interdependent Global Community p. 348
- Affirmative Action p. 352
- Annual Conferences’, Districts’, and Local Congregations’ Responsibilities for Eradication of Racism p. 356
- White Privilege in the United States p. 358
- Opposition to Racial Profiling in the US p. 360
- Racism and Economic Injustice Against People of Color in the US p. 361
- Stop Criminalizing Communities of Color in the United States p. 365
- Humanizing Criminal Justice p. 490
- Caring for Victims of Crime p. 499
- Global Racism and Xenophobia: Impact on Women, Children, and Youth p. 524
Multicultural and Multiracial Worship Resources
United Methodist Communications offers this video Turning to God focused on racism