02.05.20 | Young Peoples Ministry, Wellness and Missions
Social media is a huge part of our lives, including youth lives. There are benefits and challenges with social media. Be aware of spending too much time on social media and notice if there is any disruption with regular roles (i.e., school, friend, family member, work, etc.) so that we do not develop an addiction to social media.
Media Viewing:
What is social networking addiction?
Fact Sheets/Resources:
Nomophobia - no mobile phone phobia
Teens Use These Social Media The Most
18 Social Media Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now (2019)
When Social Media Is Really Problematic for Teens
Supportive Mental Health Apps for Children, Adolescents, & Adults (2019)
Social Media Use by Teens Linked to Internalizing Behaviors (defined as negative behaviors that are focused inward; include fearfulness, social withdrawal, and somatic complaints)
Addicted to Social Media? What Can We Do About It Problematic, Excessive Use?
Teen Social Media Addiction Treatment