08.04.20 | Racial Justice
Explore issues of racial justice in small group settings. We encourage you to use conversation tools that help create safe, bold and respectful spaces.
NEW: The General Commission on Religion and Race is offering an online, four-session curriculum as a first step for White Christians, in particular, who are unsure about what racism is and unclear about its relevance to individuals, the church, and society as a whole. This resource is designed for individuals who are ready to learn about how racism operates, how it affects Christian communities, and how people of faith can recognize and resist racism. There is a $39.99 cost. https://gcorr.teachable.com/p/youarehere/
This Lent, experience Scripture, UMC Social Principles, and antiracist action to build Beloved Community through this curriculum.
Jericho Road Lenten Devotional was developed to honor 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination, to help prepare the group that participated in the Memphis pilgrimage and served as a means of engaging the wider annual conference in scriptural study through the lens of King’s sermons and other resources.
Who Are We: A Journey from Head to Heart: An 18-week interactive study from the BWC on who we are as a people of God, as United Methodists, and as the people of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.
Created to Love: A small group resource for spiritual renewal
Is Reverse Racism Really a Thing? A small-group discussion guide from the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR). GCORR offers several video series to encourage discussion, including Vital Conversations on Realities of Race and Racism, which features contemporary theologians, sociologists, laity, clergy, and other thought-leaders dealing with challenges of race, culture, and oppression in the Church and world today, and Roll Down, Justice!, a Lenten Biblical reflection.
United Methodist Women is deeply committed to the ongoing work of racial justice. We seek to be in right relationship with one another. We work together for the transformation of church and world, following the teaching and example of Jesus Christ. To learn more about our racial justice work:
- Access the Charter for Racial Justice
- Explore our history
- Learn more about mass incarceration and the criminalization of communities of color
- Connect with our current campaign to interrupt the school-to-prison pipeline
- Meet the Racial Justice Charter support team
- Download the Racial Justice Toolkit: Tools for Leaders: Resources for Racial Justice