06.18.20 | Advocacy and Action, Racial Justice
If you feel uncomfortable or unable to join us in person for the See Something, Say Something Immersion today, or the Juneteenth Freedom + Justice March tomorrow, we invite you to engage in visible sacred witness at this point in history. When it comes to ending racism and prejudice, there isn't just one right way to make a difference, there are many. The most important thing you can do is to find some way to rise with us to seek justice, right now, right where you are.
LIVE: How can you assess and redistribute your time, talent, and treasure in order to end racism for all to be free?
- Donate money to organizations that serve to fight injustice and racism allows them to continue serving their missions including We Rise United.
- Spend time building relationships across lines of difference and learning the basics of talking about race.
RESIST: How can you use your home or online presence as an active part of our Sacred Witness?
- Create a public display of support through banners, signs, and/or art that you place in a prominent place outside your home.
- Watch and share the Livestream happening on the BWC's Facebook page.
- Post, tweet, and Share about We Rise United on social media. Speak up.
ORGANIZE: How can you make a difference in your community?
Engage with local leaders and officials by phone, email, or petition to work toward ending racism, poverty, and violence based upon the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ, our United Methodist Social Principles, and Book of Resolutions.
Go to bwcumc.org/justicenow for a list of UM resolutions and actions.