06.12.20 | Racial Justice
Curated booklists
- Social Justice Reading List referenced in the BWC's Sacred Witness Training Webinar presented by Rev. Dr. C. Anthony Hunt
- Anti-racism Resource Guide from Discipleship Ministries
- Racial Justice Book List – from BWC’s Advocacy and Action
- The New York Time’s Anti-Racism Reading List for Kids
- From NPR - This list of books, films, and podcasts about racism is a start, not a panacea
- The Schomburg Center Black Liberation Reading List
- From Cokesbury: Resources on Race
- From the National Council of Churches: Anti-Racism Resources
- Sacred Worth Books for Children from GBCS
- An Antiracist Reading List - books to help America transcend its racist heritage from the New York Times
- A database of sacred-worth books for children - from the Board of Church and Society.
Articles and Other Reading
- Articles by Kimberle Williams Crenshaw - in the New Republic
- Our Grandmothers - Poem by Maya Angelou
- Minorities Who “Whiten” Job Resumes Get More Interviews (Harvard Study)
- Whites Have Huge Wealth Edge Over Blacks (but Don’t Know It) - from the New York Times
- The Color of Money - A Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of articles about how mortgage lending practices discriminate against blacks
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
- Anti-racism resources for white people - A comprehensive collection of links
- The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates from The Atlantic
- How An Open Bible Should Dismantle White Supremacy from Duke Divinity School
- White People: The Burden to Figure Out How to Be A Better Ally Is On Us A comic-style article from the Lily
- 103 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice from Equality Includes You
- Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources - No matter where you are on a spectrum of cultural competency, this listing of scaffolded resources has something for everyone
- A Pastoral Letter from Nadia Bolz-Weber, a Lutheran author and public theologian
- Bishop Woodie White’s 2016 “Dear Martin” letter - A United Methodist pastor writes letters each year to his friend, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- What is Racism? - a definition from the Anti-Defamation League
- Racism Defined Article - from the dRworkbook
- How you can support marginalized communities – A guide from CNN
- The Garbage Man: Why I Collect Racist Objects - by David Pilgrim from the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia [warning: contains graphic descriptions of racist objects]
- Genes Beans. Genetics Studies Prove We’re All More Alike than Different - by Marilyn Regan in TheStartup
- The Color of Money: how mortgage lending practices discriminate against blacks - the text of 1989 Pulitzer Prize investigative Reporting
- An overview of the funding of public schools – learn how funds are allocated, from Public School Review
- Racism among white Christians is higher than among the nonreligious. That's no coincidence. - how the light-skinned Jesus depiction demanded the preservation of inequality, from NBC News THINK