09.30.21 | Advocacy and Action | by Fathima Rifkey
Since it’s inclusion in the UMC Constitution in 1968, “The United Methodist Church proclaims the value of each person as a unique child of God and commits itself to the healing and wholeness of all persons. The United Methodist Church recognizes that the sin of racism has been destructive to its unity throughout its history. Racism continues to cause painful division and marginalization. The United Methodist Church shall confront and seek to eliminate racism, whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life and in society at large. The United Methodist Church shall work collaboratively with others to address concerns that threaten the cause of racial justice at all times and in all places.” (¶ 5. Article V. Racial Justice, Book of Discipline). We are called to live this out through our baptismal vows: “to resist evil, injustice and oppression, in whatever form they present themselves.”
As we commit to transform our lives, our churches, and our society, we acknowledge that we each enter this work in different places. We acknowledge that some people have been fighting for human rights for a significant amount of time, some people have actively engaged in the NEJ Call to Action for Racial Justice, and some don’t want to engage in this conversation at all. We acknowledge that no matter what we put in this document, it will not be enough for some and far too much for others. The chasm of experience between being a White person and a Black person in America must be crossed. This bridge requires not only faith in God, but enough faith in one another to begin the journey of healing and hope.
Therefore, we invite you to pray about how God is calling you and your church to be engaged in dismantling racism, not for a moment, but for a lifetime. As a continuation of the NEJ Call to Action for Racial Justice, we are asking churches to pledge their Commitment to Becoming an Antiracist Church. In signing the pledge, you join with others to seek justice, do the work, and end racism as disciples of Jesus Christ.