06.14.20 | Racial Justice
webinars/town hall meetings
- On July 1, 2020, The United Methodist Church held a conversation in our Dismantling Racism: Pressing on to Freedom series. Many are wrestling with how we can most faithfully understand and interpret the realities of this present moment. Moderator Erin Hawkins shared her knowledge and passion while guiding the conversation. Dr. Lisa Dellinger, a pastor with the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of the United Methodist Church and expert in racism, the Doctrine of Discovery, and the history of Native American Peoples, opens the conversation talking about how European settlers to North America viewed Indigenous peoples and its relationship to the Christian Church. General Secretary of the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, the Rev. Fred Day III, then confronts both the pride and shame of the Methodist Church’s involvement in the racial dynamics of the U.S. and why it is important that United Methodists know that history. The Rev. Dr. Bobby McClain, a United Methodist pastor and author of Black People in the Methodist Church, then shares pillars of racism that must be dismantled in the Church. Dr. Alison Greene, an expert in United States religious history, then teaches about theologies of white supremacy and racial violence. The speakers shared where God is calling The United Methodist Church to go next as a body, and as individual members. Watch the town hall meeting.
- See Something Say Something Immersion Walk and Rally in Baltimore - A June 18 Prayer March in Baltimore from Lovely Lane UMC to St. Matthew’s-New Life UMC included remarks from Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and other spiritual leaders in the city who explored how something sacred happens when we see and are seen. During the half-mile walk, participants experienced both the distance we’ve traveled as a denomination and how much further we must go. They explored personal and systemic responses and how to get equipped to do the deep, necessary work to create an anti-racist church. See photos from our Facebook page. Watch a video of the witness at St. Matthew's New Life UMC. Watch a video of the start of the rally from Lovely Lane UMC in Baltimore. See a story.
- Juneteenth Freedom and Justice March and Action - From Asbury UMC to Black Lives Matter Plaza near St. John's Episcopal Church, participants marched in Washington, D.C. on June 19 for freedom and justice. Interfaith speakers and United Methodist leaders, including Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, reflected on what it means to be free, just and black in America; and united around loosening the chains of injustice, untying the cords of the yoke and setting the oppressed free. After the vigil, they shared the BWC’s demands directly with elected officials based on our faith, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our United Methodist Social Principles and Resolutions. See photos. See a story. Watch a video of the march and speeches. See the demands.
- Worship featuring Poor People’s Campaign: The faith community gathered for an outdoor worship service, featuring guest preacher Rev. William Barber, co-director of the Poor People's Campaign, on June 14 at St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square, near the White House in Washington, D.C. Bishop LaTrelle Easterling participated in the service.
- DC Prayer Vigil for Justice. Faith leaders from throughout Washington, D.C., and surrounding communities were invited to the vigil by Bishop Mariann Budde, diocesan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. Her area includes historic St. John’s church, where President Donald Trump visited June 1 after having Lafayette Park, across the street from both the White House and the church, cleared by means of force. Melissa Lauber Images | Michael Garcia Images
- United to Love Rally on Aug. 12, 2018. the Baltimore-Washington Conference’s United to Love rally, created as an alternative to the Unite the Right rally that was staged by white supremacists on Aug. 12 in Washington. D.C. And United Methodists overwhelmingly outnumbered the white supremacists. Images | Sermon Video
- A.C.T. Now to End Racism on April 4, 2018. The United Methodists joined the National Council of the Churches of Christ for a historic event. As we mark 50 years since the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, Christians and other faith leaders committed to do our part to eradicate the entrenched racism that grips the United States and paralyzes our ability to see every human being as equal. Article | Images
- ReCall Summit 2017: Leaders explore the history of slavery and racism with Rev. Debra Mumford, the Frank H. Caldwell Professor of Homiletics at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- ReCall Summit 2018: Dream. Discover. Discuss. Dismantle. Leaders explore combatting racism and other “isms with Jim Wallis, president and founder of Sojourners, and Marvin McMickle, president of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
- ReCall Summit 2019: Privilege, Power and Poverty. Rooted in a foundation in John 10:10 and Micah 6:8, reCALL Summit 3.0 was a time of brave conversation as the church explores racial justice and reconciliation through a collaboration of movements. Dr. David Anderson Hooker and a host of other difference-makers equipped leaders for this essential work including the need to change the narratives.
- Retracing the Steps of Freedom Pilgrimage (Flyer): Civil Rights Immersion to Memphis for MLK50; April 2017
- Civil Rights Immersion to Montgomery, Birmingham, and Selma; April 2018
- Border Immersion: The Intersection of Race and Immigration, October 2019
- Beloved Community Hubs. 6-month multi-cultural cohorts with individuals in the Baltimore and Washington Regions to practice perspective-taking and implicit bias work.