04.08.22 | Advocacy and Action, Wealth Equity
SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2022, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
The Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington & To the Polls will be held Saturday, June 18th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 3rd & Pennsylvania Ave NW, DC.
Register with the Baltimore Washington Conference Here
Register with the Poor People’s Campaign Here
QUESTIONS? Please contact:
Too many people across our country have suffered before the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the number of people who suffer from economic ruin and instability has grown. More people find themselves let down by the current system in place. Their cries for help have been ignored by far too many of our elected officials. While everyday people continue to suffer, wealth inequity has allowed the wealth of billionaires to grow by $2 trillion as they profit off of our crisis. As people of faith we demand a change in our nation’s direction.
Our Social Principles say: “The strength of a political system depends upon the full and willing participation of its citizens. The church should continually exert a strong ethical influence upon the state, supporting policies and programs deemed to be just and opposing policies and programs that are unjust.”
We will meet at the US Botanic Gardens at 8:30am so we can march together as United Methodists on Saturday, June 18. The Botanic Gardens is located at 100 Maryland Ave, SW, in Washington, D.C.
Once our group gathers we will depart The Botanic Gardens at 8:45am and walk towards the meeting center of the March. We will join with thousands of people from different faith traditions and organizations across the nation to demand that our voice for economic and political change be heard.
1. Register for the Moral March On Washington and the Polls
- Register here with the Baltimore Washington Conference.
- Register here with the Poor People’s Campaign.
2. Sign Up for Legislative Team Action Alerts
- Stay up to date with all notifications and announcements sent by the legislative action team in relation to the march, as well as further action we can take after the march to further this cause.
3. Share Your Story
- Share a story about how you or a loved one are impacted by the economic and political crisis that our country faces. Tell us why this motivates you to March on June 18th. Your story can be a video or written narrative.
- Send us your video or written narrative to
so that those who cannot March will be able to hear and read your stories. Send these by Thursday, June 9th.
How do I record and submit my video? - With your smartphone, use your camera to record you telling your story.
- After recording, view the video in your “Photo Gallery”. Click the share/export button. (On I-phones, this button is in the bottom left corner of the screen.)
- When the sharing menu pops up, click the “Mail/Email” button. (Iphones - bottom center of the screen.)
- Address your message to , In the Subject line put your name and PPC Story (ie “JaneSmithPPCStory”)
- Press Send (If your email says the file is too large, you can use WeTransfer)
4. Come to the Baltimore Washington Conference Mission Center for a Poster-Making Event on Saturday June 11th
- Join us on Saturday, June 11th from 11am to 1pm at the BWC Mission Center, where we will create posters to carry at the March on June 18th. The Mission Center is located at 11711 E Market Pl, Fulton, MD 20759.
- Bring your arts supplies and we will provide poster board, light refreshments, and music as you get creative and meet other congregations who will March alongside you on June 18.
- Click here to register for the poster-making event!
5. Volunteer at the Poor People’s Campaign Communal Meal & Memorial Service on June 17th
- The Poor People’s Campaign is hosting a Communal Meal for out of area Marchers and people who need meals in the DC area. They are asking for volunteers to help welcome guests, orient guests to the space, serving food, and hand out resources. The meal will be held at Freedom Plaza at 5pm on June 17.. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 4pm.
- The communal meal will be followed by a Memorial Service for those who died from COVID-19. We will walk from Freedom Plaza to The Lincoln Memorial, where the service will begin at 7:30pm.
- To join the BWC in this volunteering opportunity, please email Fathima Rifkey at .
6. March With Congregations from Across the Baltimore Washington Conference on June
- We will meet at the US Botanic Gardens at 8:30am so we can march together as United Methodists on Saturday, June 18, 2022. The Botanic Gardens is located at 100 Maryland Ave, SW, in Washington, D.C.
- When we gather our group of congregations will depart The Botanic Gardens at 8:45am and walk towards the meeting center of the March.
- If you are unable to meet us at the Botanical Gardens beforehand, you can meet us at the march center located at 3rd St SW & Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC
- Click here for a guide including instructions on where to meet, transportation options, what to prepare for, and more.
Register with the Baltimore Washington Conference Here
Register with the Poor People’s Campaign Here
Questions? Contact: Fathima Rifkey or Rev. Neal Christie.