04.18.24 | Advocacy and Action, Peace with Justice
As we approach the 2024 Primary Elections, lead your congregations to the polls using the information and resources below. Keep an eye out for a D.C. Primary Elections voting guide to be published soon!
Prepare and educate your congregation about the upcoming primary elections by including upcoming voting deadlines and information in your service, as well as encouraging them to make a plan to vote
Provide transportation services to members to get to the polls during Early Voting days and/or Election Day
Organize an activity or rally to get your members to the polls if your church is near a voting site
Voter Registration
Use the links below to register to vote:
- Online Registration
- The last day to register to vote using the online application is Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024.
- Instructions to Register by Mail
- Voter registrations being mailed must be postmarked by April 23, 2024.
- Instructions to Register In-Person
- At the Polls
- You can register the same day you vote. Make sure to bring a document that proves where you live when you visit your local polling place.
Vote by Mail
Step 1: Request a mail-in ballot via mail or fax.
- Your request must be received (not just mailed) or submitted online by May 7, 2024.
- After you submit this form, you will receive your ballot about 35-45 days before the election.
Step 2: Keep an eye on your mailbox for your ballot
Step 3: Once you have received and filled out your ballot, mail in or drop off your ballot
- Mail-In Your Ballot: Your mail-in ballot must be postmarked by or before 8 pm on May 14, 2024, for it to be delivered in time to be counted.
- Drop Off Your Ballot: When you receive your ballot in the mail, a list of drop-off boxes will also be included. You can also drop off your ballot at your local board of elections by 8 pm on May 14th, 2024.
Vote in Person
Make a plan for when and where you will vote
Early Voting
- Starts on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
- Ends on Thursday, May 9th, 2024
- Polling sites are open from 7am to 8pm
- Find an Early Voting Location
Election Day
- Tuesday, May 14th, 2024
- Polling sites are open from 7am to 8pm
- Find Your Polling Location
Click Here for the MD Primary Voting Dates & Deadlines
Voter Registration
Use the links below to register to vote:
- Online Registration
- The last day to register to vote using the online application is Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024.
- Instructions to Register by Mail
- Voter registrations being mailed must be postmarked by April 23, 2024.
- Instructions to Register In Person
- The last day to register to vote in person is Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024.
Vote by Mail
Step 1: Request a mail-in ballot
- You must meet one of the eligibility requirements to receive an absentee ballot.
- Your request must be received (not just postmarked) or submitted online by Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
Step 2: Keep an eye on your mailbox for your ballot
Step 3: Once you have received and filled out your ballot, mail in or drop off your ballot
- Mail-In Your Ballot: return the ballot to the County Clerk in the appropriate envelopes as soon as possible
- If your first-time voting will be absentee by mail, you must send a copy of one of the forms of valid ID with your ballot.
- Absentee ballots without a postmark must be received by Wednesday, May 15, 2024
- Absentee ballots with a postmark must be postmarked by May 14th, 2024.
- Drop Off Your Ballot: Drop off your ballot at your County Clerk by May 13th, 2024.
Vote in Person
Make a plan for when and where you will vote
Early Voting
- Starts on Wednesday, May 1, 2024
- Ends on Saturday, May 11, 2024
- Voters may vote an early ballot at the county courthouse, an annex, or a designated community voting location during normal business hours
- Contact your County Clerk to confirm Early Voting hours and locations
Election Day
- Tuesday, May 14th, 2024
- Find Your Polling Location