06.01.15 | Leader Development | by Christielatona | by Christie Latona
Yes! Through the General Board of Higher Education‘s UMC Cyber Campus.
UMC Cyber Campus is a gateway to theological education which provides a single entry point through an online catalog and aims to enhance global access to free and affordable high quality church-related educational resources. We strive to develop confident and knowledgeable Christian leaders on an ongoing basis.
About UMC Cyber Campus
The United Methodist Church (UMC) is a worldwide church. We believe in connecting people through faith and education globally. There are 13 United Methodist seminaries, 119 UMC universities, schools, and colleges in the United States, and we are connected to 750 Methodist related schools around the world. The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) leads and serves The United Methodist Church in educating, nurturing, and preparing leaders for the church and the world. UMC Cyber Campus is a multilingual Christian learning space where you can get these educational materials anywhere and anytime.
Why UMC Cyber Campus?
GBHEM believes in lifelong learning of all Christians and the UMC requires continuing education of all clergy. According to the research that was conducted in 2007 by GBHEM Clergy Lifelong Learning office the cost for continuing education was getting too costly under the declining economy. Many of UMC clergy were seeking high quality continuing education materials but with low cost. GBHEM then created the UMC Cyber Campus to meet the needs of people based on this research.