08.31.20 | Wellness and Missions
Creating worship and other church activities online requires paying attention to legal requirements relating to copyright and licensing. These resources will help you understand what's necessary.
Permission to Use the Book of Worship: Permission to use and post online selected contents from the United Methodist Book of Worship
CCLI: License to share most contemporary Christian music
One License: They license hundreds of music publishers, typically hymnals, choral arrangements, and other traditional music, including our United Methodist Hymnal. You can sign up for a new license or, if you already have an Annual Reprint License (only to print/project music or lyrics), you can add the Podcast / Streaming License to your account.
Ask the UMC: How Can we Livestream Legally?: Answers to questions about livestreaming.
Updated Aug. 31, 2020: Questions and answers about online worship and copyrights