Talking about Race: Community Building: The national African American History Museum offers resources for community building and harnessing the power of storytelling.
GCORR’s Racial Justice Conversation Guide: Are you seeking ways to engage others in difficult, but important, conversations—such as the topic of white privilege and/or racial inequality? These resources are intended to help get you started and create building blocks for additional work.
Mutual Invitation and Respectful Communication Guidelines from the Kaleidoscope Institute: The Respectful Communication Guidelines provide a foundation to uphold the well-being of the community. The Mutual Invitation process is used in order to ensure that everyone who wants to share has the opportunity to speak when the facilitator gives the instruction to do so. (available in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and French)
Circles of Trust Touchstones from the Center for Courage & Renewal: While these touchstones for creating safe and trustworthy space can be adapted to define how you work together in your organization, community, or network with integrity and trust — inviting the best of each person to show up and contribute.
How Whites Support Black Lives: Paul W. Hosch, along with other faith leaders, put together a checklist for how white people can enter the conversation to help.
Pages for Progress Resource Guide, a program of the General Board of Church and Society, was established to create spaces for collective learning through shared reading and in-depth exploration of topics from a theological perspective, to become more effective advocates as people of faith.