03.17.20 | Administration & Operations
Providing opportunities for people to continue to give in times of disruption is essential. Online giving is an important part of that. These resources will assist you and your congregation in your stewardship efforts.
- How can I add a “Donations” option to my church’s Facebook page?
- Make Giving Easier UM Communications provides a comprehensive look at how to create different alternatives to the offering plate for your church-- including links to a variety of online giving options.
- A quick-start guide to online giving It’s vital for every church to offer an option for online giving. As the church continues its ministry, members sheltering in place at home can continue to support the church.
- Emergency Funding Plan video: Advice and resources for local churches from the MidAtlantic United Methodist Foundation
- 10 Ideas for Church Financial Leaders Amid the COVID-19 Crisis A collection of ideas to immediately respond to the needs of the church and community.
Understanding e-giving: an interactive guide from the General Council on Finance and Administration
- ShelbyNext Giving (powered by Ministry Brands): Offering a comprehensive suite of online giving services for churches. Including Mobile Giving, Text Giving, Online Store and more. Special pricing is available for the churches of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Contact ShelbySystems Inc. directly using their online signup form. Be sure to enter "BWC2020" in the "Referred By" area.
- Vanco: For congregational giving and the management of gifts, used by more than 20,000 churches
- Venmo: Make and share payments.
- Givelify: Make donations to your organization with a three-tap experience.
- Tithe-ly: Helps you increase giving and stewardship engagement.
- Stripe: An online giving platform. Set up is relatively easy. There is a 2.9% plus 30 cents transaction fee for every donation, but no monthly fees or hidden fees. You will need to enter your bank account information to receive deposits.