02.04.20 | Young Peoples Ministry, Wellness and Missions
Every day more than 280,000 students are physically attached in schools and 1 out of 10 students who drop out of school mentioned repeated bullying as a factor for dropping out (UCLA Study, Jaana Juvonen, Ph.D.).
Media Viewing:
Bullying Video – Kids with Disabilities
Fact Sheets/Resources:
Student Guide for Talking About Bullying
Unity Day 2020 - National Bullying Prevention Month
Because this vulnerable youth population is at high risk for being bullied, this link provides basic information about how parents can support youth. For more information on how to help any youth about whom you care avoid or address bullying, click this link- How You Can Help Your Child Avoid & Address Bullying.
Spirit Day to Support LGBTQ Youth and Pledge Against Bullying
LGBT Teens, Bullying, and Suicide
Transequality Issues Among Youth-Students
Stomping Out Bullying Prevention Awareness Month (Illustration from 2019 Campaign)