09.30.20 | Wellness and Missions
National Recovery Month | Healthy Aging Month | Pain Awareness Month | National Suicide Prevention Week | World Suicide Prevention Day | National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month | National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day | Childhood Cancer Awareness Month | Download PDF
National Recovery Month
Mental Health Objective:
National Recovery Month occurs every September. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors Recovery Month to spread the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover (www.recoverymonth.gov).
Ministry Ideas:
- Use www.recoverymonth.gov and www.samhsa.gov as resources to plan events during the month.
- Use media with persons in recovery sharing their story.
- Invite persons in the congregation, community, or from recovery fellowships to share a testimony of their journey and tools they use to manage a recovery lifestyle (include diversity of persons — age, race, ethnicity, occupation — so that people learn addiction affects everyone/every community).
- Invite someone from AA/NA/GA to share their journey and value of peer recovery.
- Include recovery awareness in youth ministries.
- Include local public health/health professionals to provide information/resources on prevention/treatment/recovery-oriented systems of care.
- The Pastor/Healing Ministries can have a prayer for all recovery persons each Sunday throughout the month; can ask congregation if they are comfortable to celebrate recovery anniversaries to share this information with the identified ministry planning Recovery Month.
Social Media:
Fact Sheets:
Healthy Aging Month
Public Health Objective:
September is Healthy Aging Month and provides inspiration and practical ideas for adults, ages 45-plus, to improve their physical, mental, social, and financial well-being. People are living longer, and this month draws attention to the positive aspects of growing older.
The mission is to encourage local level Healthy Aging® events that promote taking responsibility for one’s health (physical, mental, social, financial) www.healthyaging.net
Ministry Ideas:
- Older Adult/Seniors Ministry can take the lead for planning and use www.healthyaging.net website for ideas and resources.
- Consider identifying calendar of events to encourage physical, mental, social, and financial wellness; these events can also include virtual learning (especially helpful for homebound or persons with caregiving roles/limits).
- Physical: Sponsor a walk for adults over 45 and encourage continual walking/exercise.
- Plan a financial planning workshop that addresses over 45 needs at the various age levels (retirement planning, saving, living on a limited budget after retirement, legacy planning, life after working, volunteering etc.).
- Plan social activities that may be new interest opportunities.
- Plan topics on mental health wellness (i.e., stress management, depression).
- Note: recognize that cultural and personal influences also impact healthy aging (i.e., persons with limited finances lack opportunities for legacy planning, retirement planning).
Social Media:
- Use www.healthyaging.net for content for social media/church website messaging.
Fact Sheets:
Pain Awareness Month
Public Health Objective:
September is Pain Awareness Month and various organizations work to raise public awareness of issues around pain and pain management (begun in 2001). The American Chronic Pain Association, www.acpa.org, provides information and resources (including a Pain Awareness Toolkit).
Ministry Ideas:
- Ask health providers in congregation or local health professionals to do a chronic pain short info message during worship.
- Ask the ministry staff to identify a scripture for each day of the month that can provide pain support (include depression and anxiety supports as these are often co-occurring as a result of chronic pain; pain affects our emotional state).
- Post the media/resources on social media and church website.
- Educate youth/adults on how to best support loved ones/friends with chronic pain.
- Encourage mental health and physical health care supports; many persons living with chronic pain use opioids/drugs/alcohol/gambling to self-medicate pain levels.
- The Maze of Pain (provides a nice illustration of navigating pain)
- A Person with Pain Is Like A Car with Four Flat Tires (Very engaging media message — would be helpful for all ages, including children who may have loved ones living with chronic pain.)
- Relaxation Video (pain creates stress, anxiety, and depression; using relaxation regularly helps counter pain and reduces distress levels.)
Social Media:
- The American Chronic Pain Association has resources that can be used for social messaging.
Fact Sheets:
National Suicide Prevention Week (Sept. 6 to 12)
Mental Health Objective:
National Suicide Prevention Week is Sept. 6-12, 2020. Twenty-eight percent of suicide victims suffer from a substance abuse problem. Evergreen Recovery and National Suicide Prevention Week want to spread awareness and help at-risk people find support.
Ministry Ideas:
- Provide members with resources such as 24-hour suicide prevention hotlines and mental health professionals in the area. Call 800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741.
- Conduct a prayer call daily for people who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or ideations.
- Invite congregants to receive a thorough mental health assessment.
- Try to pair members, that may be experiencing hard times, with an accountability partner to help them keep the faith during hard times.
- Host a night of prayer, where congregants come together to pray for anyone who is or has experienced suicidal thoughts.
- Host a virtual training that helps members become aware of their own mental state, learn self-awareness, ways to stay strong during hard times and how to pray during these times.
- Invite members who have successfully fought their battle with suicide to share their story in the hopes of inspiring others.
- Using church website or social media, provide a positive affirmation for members every day for the week.
- Clarence E. Davis: Preventing Suicide and Three Things to Never Do
- The Role of Faith Communities in Suicide Prevention
- A Video on faith communities and suicide prevention
- Social media graphics
Fact Sheets:
World Suicide Prevention Day
Mental Health Objective:
World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10 each year to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides. Various events and activities are held during this occasion to raise awareness that suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death.
Ministry Ideas:
- On this day provide members with ways to start the conversation surrounding suicide and ways to prevent it, with their families and friends. Start by asking simple questions like “Are you okay?”
- Make a “self-care” challenge by challenging members to participate in at least one self-care activity on this day. Have members take a picture on social media and hashtag it with #SELFCAREBESTCARE.
- Invite members to send a love note by taking five minutes out of their day to check two people they know may be having a hard time. Take this time to send love and encouragement.
- Host a “Share a meal” event where people make a meal for someone who may not be able to provide their own.
- Host a virtual meeting highlighting signs of suicide, how to help others and identify resources.
- Invite members to participate in the “Smile” challenge, encouraging members to smile through a tough or discouraging situation that might have occurred. Have members share their experience with this challenge on the church social media in the comment section of the post related to this challenge.
- Host a virtual praise and worship session, where members can tune in a hear positive and encouraging music.
Fact Sheets:
- World Suicide Day from the International Association for Suicide Prevention
- Impero 2019
- Infographics to Communicate Information
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Public Health Objective:
September is National Childhood Obesity Month. Learn ways to promote healthy growth in children and prevent obesity. About 1 in 5 (19%) children in the United States have obesity.
Ministry Ideas:
- Organize a “Let’s Get Moving Campaign,” promoting developing healthy habits through physical activity, prayer, and fun.
- Host a virtual Zumba session using faith-based music.
- Organize a week of healthy eating, where families try to eat as healthy as possible and log their meals and progress daily.
- Host a “Health Convention” where members can come and learn about their physical health, BMI (Body Mass Index), and connect physical health with spirituality.
- Invite families to participate in a “Steps” challenge, where families can take walks and track their steps and the family with the most steps wins a small prize.
- Host a jump rope tournament! A great way to help children get moving while keeping social distancing in mind.
- Provide members with a healthy eating calendar that highlights different meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Maybe add cost affordable and 30-minute recipes as well.
- Invite families to participate in a short virtual self-awareness training, where children can become aware of some habits that may be unhealthy to their bodies while also being confident and building self-esteem through faith-based activities.
- Eating Better, Moving More from the CDC
- Preventing Childhood Obesity Through Healthy Communities
- Best Mobile Apps to Reduce Childhood Obesity Levels
Fact Sheets:
National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day September 18
Public Health Objective:
September 18 is National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day — a day to call attention to the growing number of people living long and full lives with HIV and to aging-related challenges of HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care. People with HIV are living longer thanks to treatment with HIV medicines.
Ministry Ideas:
- Provide free testing and resources to members that are willing to participate.
- Start a support group for people that may be living with HIV/AIDS to provide prayer, support and community.
- Host a fundraiser to help continue to fight HIV/AIDS and donate proceeds to a charity of your choice.
- Wear your red ribbons to show your support and bring awareness to HIV/AIDS. Invite members to post their pictures on social media.
- Provide a virtual training on HIV/AIDS prevention and spreading awareness.
- Host a bike-a-thon to promote a healthy and active lifestyle.
- Provide members with tips about managing stress through faith and prayer. These tips can be posted on your social media or church website.
- Host a virtual fitness session for anyone who would like to participate.
- Library of Videos from the CDC
- Aging Positively: Bringing HIV/AIDS into the Aging Services Mainstream
- The Struggle to Change an HIV Narrative
Fact Sheets:
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Public Health Objective:
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and is symbolized by a gold ribbon, worn to commemorate the event. This is an annual international awareness month to raise support, funding, and awareness of childhood cancers and the impact for sufferers and families of sufferers of childhood cancer.
Ministry Ideas:
- Create a parent/caregiver support group for caregivers who may be supporting their children through Childhood Cancer diagnosis.
- Invite youth members to participate in a “pin pal” exchange with a youth at a local hospital or in the congregation that may be battling childhood cancer.
- Invite members to donate mildly used toys and books to create care packages for children who are battling cancer. Care packages can include personal handwritten letters of encouragement, toys, and candy.
- Provide free health screenings to all members willing to be assessed.
- Host a “Gold Ribbon Day” where members show their support by wearing a gold ribbon or wearing the color gold.
- Provide a prayer call for both parents/caregivers and child for encouragement and healing.
- Have a fundraiser and donate proceeds to a family in the congregation with a child battling childhood cancer.
- Host a “faith potluck” for families to come and support children who are battling with childhood cancer and honor the children who have lost their battle with a balloon release.
- Communication Tips for Families of Kids Impacted by Chronic Illness
- Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month with Cal’s Angels
- Resources for Dealing with the Emotional Impact of a Childhood Cancer Diagnosis