09.26.20 | Wellness and Missions
Lupus Awareness Month | Mental Health Month | National Women’s Health Week | Download PDF
Lupus Awareness Month
Mental Health Objective:
Lupus Awareness Month seeks to raise awareness and educate others about this life-changing disease. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. In a healthy immune system, the body produces antibodies that destroy unhealthy cells such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign waste.
Ministry Ideas:
- Highlight in the monthly newsletter.
- Display fact sheet and resources on bulletin board.
- Invite a Lupus expert or person living with Lupus to speak before/after service
- Fundraise for a local Lupus-related organization in the community.
Host health fair highlighting various health and wellness areas including Lupus awareness.
- Start a Living with Lupus support group.
- Host a (in-person or virtual) “Put on Purple for Lupus Day!” where everyone wears purple or purple ribbon and shares lupus information on May 15 for the national awareness day.
- KNOW LUPUS - Lupus Awareness Month 2016
- Let’s Make Lupus Visible for Lupus Awareness Month
- The Living with Lupus: Lupus Awareness Month
- My Lupus Log
Fact Sheets:
- Lupus Fact Sheet
- Lupus Fact Sheet II
- Lupus Fact Sheet III
- Women’s Health: Lupus Fact Sheet
- Toolkit Download
Mental Health Month
Mental Health Objective:
To raise awareness and educate the public about mental illnesses, such as that 18.1% of Americans suffer from depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder; the realities of living with these conditions; and strategies for attaining mental health and wellness.
Ministry Ideas:
- Create a virtual Bible study where children can listen to a short book surrounding a children’s mental health topic and relate that topic to a Bible scripture and their personal feelings.
- Create a parent club, connecting one to two times a month in order to educate parents on different mental health issues that children may experience.
- Create a youth fitness group, where children can release their energy and hear gospel music and have fun!
- Establish a prayer call for children to hear in the morning to start their day on a positive note.
- Create a youth group for children who want to join to promote a safe space and positive community to connect and keep healthy minds.
- Provide families with local mental health resources for their children should they experience a mental health crisis.
- Create a weekly 30-minute virtual meditation session for both parents and children to check in, regroup and reflect on their week and prepare for the next week. Meditation can be centered around one scripture related to increasing mental strength.
- Provide families with a list of positive affirmations to recite within their families to help encourage healthy interactions and confident feelings.
- We All Have Mental Health
- Kindness Matters
- Breaking the Stigma: Taraji on Black Folks & Mental Health
Fact Sheets:
- Mental Health Facts in America
- RAISING Mental Health Awareness
- You Are Not Alone
- Mental Health Matters
National Women’s Health Week: May (Mother’s Day Week)
Public Health Objective:
National Women’s Health Week begins on Mother’s Day each year. It is a reminder to women to take care of themselves and to make their health a priority.
Ministry Ideas:
- Highlight in a monthly newsletter.
- Display fact sheet and resources on bulletin board.
- Offer Bible study devotional links addressing this topic.
- Start a church garden to help with stress management.
- Host youth (in-person or virtual) women’s health workshop.
- Host a (in-person or virtual) health fair highlighting several topics including women’s health screenings and assessments.
- Create a support group(s) centered on women’s health issues and areas i.e., breastfeeding, breast cancer survivor, ovarian cancer survivors, and pregnancy issues.
- Invite a member of the community impacted by suicide to speak before/after service.
- Create an all-women’s prayer and meditation group or class.
- National Women’s Health Week
- Jackie: Taking Action for My Daughter
- Diabetes and Depression in Older Women
- Heart Disease and Stroke in Women
- Clue App