09.25.20 | Wellness and Missions
Mental Wellness Month | National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week – Jan. 22-27 | Download PDF
Mental Wellness Month
Mental Health Objective:
Mental Wellness Month is a public health and awareness campaign, developed by the International Association of Insurance Professionals on January 12, 2015, to emphasize the importance of taking care of mental wellness and providing different means of improving mental health.
Ministry Ideas:
- Have a professional come speak to the church about Mental Wellness and its benefits and be available to church members at the end of service if they feel led to gain further knowledge on the subject.
- Provide a fact sheet in the bulletin providing the benefits of Mental Wellness and different ways of improving mental wellness.
- Hold a Mental Wellness Community Day/Symposium to spread knowledge of mental wellness within the church and community.
- Do a “Walk for Wellness,” which promotes mental wellness, and is also a great coping skill for those who may feel stressed, anxious, depressed, etc.
- Have “Prayer for Wellness,” where members will take an amount of time out of their day to pray for mental wellness within their church and communities.
- Have a “Wellness for the Youth” Day, which would entail activities such as: teaching children to meditate, teaching a yoga class, and/or a dance class, providing youth with information and fact sheets on mental wellness to give them a better understanding.
- Do a “Mental Wellness Check Day,” where church members take a survey/questionnaire to see the status of their mental wellness.
- Have members get together to do a commercial to bring awareness to others on Mental Wellness.
Black Mental Wellness:
Facts Sheet:
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week – Jan. 22-27
Public Health Objective:
This week was started in 2010 to link students with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, social media, music, and from friends.
Ministry Ideas:
- Share national drug and alcohol facts on the church social media presence.
- Include national drug and alcohol facts in the church bulletin.
- Identify an age-appropriate children Christian Education lesson on drug and alcohol facts; provide children biblical scriptures about our bodies being a temple of God and healthy ways God encourages us to care for our bodies instead of violating our bodies with drugs and alcohol; teach children how to honor their emotions and to talk about feelings ( sadness, loss, etc.) to talk about their feelings instead of self-medicating with alcohol and drugs (this will be a good lesson for middle-to-high schoolers with dialogue).
- Have an addictions professional provide resources after church in the narthex for persons to pick up after worship.
- Sponsor a program on addictions to include persons in recovery who share their story of addictions and recovery (consider integrating into worship even to have someone share a recovery sharing for 5-10 minutes during worship) to reach the congregation as a whole
- Provide drug/alcohol facts literature throughout the church.
- Have evangelism and/or outreach team visit community businesses and share addictions fact information (i.e., Infographic on alcohol and drug facts) that is concise and ask if a Helpline poster geared for youth in the businesses.
- Teen Health: Substance Use and Abuse
- Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol?
- Beating Opioid Addiction