Retired Clergy Benefits

If you are a retired pastor receiving annuity payments (or taking one or more lump sum distributions) from a Wespath retirement program, you may qualify for a clergy housing allowance exclusion. The exclusion applies to distributions of contributions made while you were serving under call, including their accumulated earnings. 

Retiree medical is an optional program under the provisions of the Book of Discipline. The Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church elects annually to provide such a program. This election continues from year to year upon Annual Conference approval and may be suspended in its entirety by vote of the Annual Conference. The program is defined, maintained and supported by the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

The Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits in partnership with Wespath Benefits and Investments have adopted Via Benefits (pronounced vEEa) program for our Medicare-eligible retirees.

Via Benefits, by Willis Towers Watson, is a private company specializing in assisting with the insurance needs of Medicare-eligible adults and finding supplemental policies best suited to their individual requirements for both policy coverage and overall cost. Utilizing Via Benefits allows the Conference to continue to contribute to the insurance costs for eligible retirees, now and for the foreseeable future.

Each eligible participant in the Baltimore-Washington Conference Retiree Medical Benefit plan receives a Health Reimbursement Account funded annually by an amount determined by the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits.

Via Benefits also administers the Health Reimbursement Account for each participant. This HRA works in a manner similar to the Flexible Spending Accounts that many have used in the past. These funds can be used to pay the premiums of the Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans which will be chosen with Via Benefits licensed benefit advisors and the Medicare Part B premiums. Unused HRA funds roll-over to the next year.

Participants who retire before age 65 and their families will continue to be covered under the HealthFlex Exchange Program until the participant reaches age 65.

Please contact the Benefits Office for eligibility and vesting schedules including rates.