2020 General Conference Delegate Nominees
Six clergy and six lay delegates to the 2020 General Conference will be elected at the 2019 Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference Session in May. In addition, six lay and six clergy delegates, plus alternates, will be elected to the 2020 Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference.
The 2020 General Conference will be held May 5-15 in Minneapolis, Minn. The 2020 Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference will be held July 13-17 in Baltimore.
General Conference is the church’s highest legislative body and the only group that can officially “speak” for The United Methodist Church.
During the electronic balloting at Annual Conference, clergy vote only for clergy and laity vote only for
Each nominee was asked to submit a short statement (no more than 150 words) about themselves and a photograph. Campaigning is otherwise prohibited. The nominees are listed in alphabetical order.
Please bring this document with you to
001 Rev. Giovanni Arroyo![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZyUyRjBlODYxNjk2N18xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2dpb3Zhbm5pYXJyb3lvLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDE2OTJiOTgxYTdiM2IwYzZkNjY1MzQwNjdhMjRjZDc3Ijs=/giovanniarroyo.jpg?fm=webp)
General Commission on Religion and Race, Washington, D.C.
Conference Agencies:
General Church Agencies:
Staff person of the General Commission on Religion and Race, team leader for program ministries; United Methodist Interagency Immigration Task Force; Rapid Response Team on Immigration
Other Organizations:
Justice for Our Neighbors; Baltimore County Health Department Translators Editor board
The United Methodist Church and the world are more globally focused, more multi-cultural, multi-textured and complex than any point in our history. My years of experience and leadership in the denomination at all levels — local church, alongside annual conferences, jurisdictionally, nationally, central conferences, general agencies, theological schools, and racial/ethnic caucuses — enables me to offer the church multiple perspectives that would enrich dialogues and legislation as we live to a be a church that seeks to be racially equitable in its practices, policies
002 Rev. Kevin Baker![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGayUyRjBlODYxNzAxOV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA3X2tldmluYmFrZXIuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEY2Y4NjU0MmMwMjNmMzk3MmIwZjQ5YTRhOWYwZmJjYTMiOw==/kevinbaker.jpg?fm=webp)
Oakdale Emory UMC, Olney
Other Organizations:
President, Baltimore-Washington Conference Wesley Covenant Association
I have served three churches in my 30 years of ordained ministry; three years as an Associate Pastor, 13 years leading Cedar Grove UMC and 13 years (and counting) leading Oakdale Church. Both Cedar Grove and Oakdale have been churches that experienced significant transitions and growth. I have experience leading both a small church and a large church. The UMC needs to launch new faith communities AND help existing churches transition for growth and discipleship. Leading existing churches into greater effectiveness
003 Rev. Valerie Barnes![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGdiUyRjBlODYxNzAxMV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X3ZhbGVyaWViYXJuZXMuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEYWI5N2M5Y2IyZDg3YTg3OGE1YWIyODVkMmJjM2I0ZDYiOw==/valeriebarnes.jpg?fm=webp)
Conference Agencies:
Committee on Religion and Race; Connectional Table; Order of Elders; clergy mentor for Baltimore Metro District Committee on Ordained Ministry
Other Organizations:
Constitution and Bylaws chair for Northeastern Jurisdiction Black Methodists for Church Renewal
My reason for seeking to represent the BWC as a delegate at General Conference is to be a voice for those who oftentimes view themselves as having no voice; I am referring primarily to the black church. I believe my 20 years of experience pastoring in this context, coupled with my experience of being a business owner and rehabilitative health care provider allow me to see the opportunities for growth, renewal
004 Rev. Rudy Bropleh![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjE6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGciUyRjBlODYxNzAwM18xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X3J1ZHlicm9wbGVoLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDY3OWFiNTFlMjg3ZjE4MWU4YjQxOGU0YzA5YTJjZWEwIjs=/rudybropleh.jpg?fm=webp)
Asbury UMC, Shepherdstown
Conference Committees:
Stewardship; the BWC Academy; and the Board of Ordained Ministry; currently serving as chair of the Frederick District Committee on Ordained Ministry
In 21 years, I have led, developed, and grown two churches in very diverse contexts. I have attracted young adults to the church, mentored and inspired them to pursue their call to ministry. Three of those young people are now clergy in the BWC (one is a Provisional Elder and two are Elders in Full Connection). I’m currently mentoring a large group of Young Adults who are discerning their call to ministry. I have worked as a trainer and coach to leaders in our UMC in diverse settings. I have led my churches through difficult transitions while maintaining missional vitality and growth. I know how to disagree without being disrespectful
005 Rev. Stan G. Cardwell![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNzAwNV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X3N0YW5jYXJkd2VsbC5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RmOGVhNGVmYjhjMDg4ZjVmYzFjNmM1MjBkOGMwZmMyMSI7/stancardwell.jpg?fm=webp)
Community UMC, Crofton
BWC Agencies:
Board of Congregational Life – Leadership Development; BWC Church Plant Discernment team lead; Southern Region Consultant; Interim New Faith Expressions Board
Other Organizations:
Archway Station; Emmorton Elementary School PTA; Moveable Feast
For 27 years, I have served faithfully in various settings — rural, suburban, urban, in poverty and affluence, conservative and progressive churches, multi-campus, new church initiative . . . During these years, I have lived and journeyed with two tribes: traditional and progressive. I live in that tension which threatens to pull us apart. This grieves me. (Honestly, I have found myself wondering if I belong to either tribe within our current context — too traditional for progressives and too progressive for traditionalists.) Through many years of ministry, I have quietly served in my local church and on the conference level. I have been content to let others seek to guide our Conciliar covenant but in response to our impasse at GC2019, I can no longer remain silent. There is a way forward — a way of sacrifice and submission. I know that path as a Jesus-follower, seeking to walk in grace and truth.
006 Rev. Stacey Cole-Wilson![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNzAyNF8xNTU0Mzg3NDg5X3N0YWNleWNvbGV3aWxzb24yMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0Q4YzRjOTE3NTU5MGE5YTVmZjU3NzU3YzgyNWQxMDYyMyI7/staceycolewilson2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
BWC Executive Minister of Justice and Service, Fulton
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry; Provisional Member Registrar; Advocacy and Action staff representative; Deaf Ministries Abundant Health staff representative; CONAM; Seeds of Security staff representative; BWC Black Clergywomen chaplain; UMW staff representative; COSROW staff representative; Creation Care; Committee on Religion and Race
General Church Agency:
NEJ UMVIM board member
Other Organizations:
Wesley Theological Seminary Board of Governors; Boys and Girls Club of Metropolitan Baltimore; Habitat for Humanity
By God’s grace, I am a part of a dynamic revolutionary people called Methodists. We vary in ability, personhood, theology,
007 Rev. Joseph Wayne Daniels, Jr.![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNjk5NV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X2pvZWRhbmllbHMuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNENjM2YTkzOWRiMDEwNTJlMjIwYzM4YTAzMmRmNzY3MTMiOw==/joedaniels.jpg?fm=webp)
Emory UMC, Washington, D.C.
General and Jurisdictional Conference delegate in 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and at the Special Session in 2019
Conference Agencies:
Chairperson, Zimbabwe Partnership; chair, Communities of Shalom
Other Organizations:
Co-chair, Washington Interfaith Network
I seek to represent the Baltimore-Washington Conference as a delegate at General Conference because as a bridge builder and barrier breaker, I believe my skills, experience, and love for people and the church can benefit our denomination in these uncertain times. Since 2004, I have been an active delegate to
008 Rev. David J. Deans![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTg6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZCUyRjBlODYxNzAxM18xNTU0Mzg3NDA3X2RhdmlkZGVhbnMuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QwJTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDE0ZWU4MmEzMWQ3OGYzYWU1ZTUyNzJkYTc0YjJmMWViIjs=/daviddeans.jpg?fm=webp)
Oakdale Emory UMC, Olney
Conference Agencies:
BWC Committee on Parish and Community Development; Baltimore Metro District Committee on Disaster Relief during Tropical Storm Isabel; Baltimore Metro District Committee on Ordained Ministry
Other Organizations:
Executive Board of the Baltimore-Washington Conference Wesley Covenant Association
As a pastor in the BWC/UMC for 16 years, I have had the privilege to pastor both a small and a large church. I have also had the chance to plant a church in a fast-growing multicultural suburb and to do extensive ministry with the homeless in an urban setting. I’m currently developing a new men’s ministry, am a leader with Celebrate Recovery, and am leading a team of young adults through the Wesley Innovation Hub program. Through these distinct experiences, and the unique training I’ve received, I’ve learned a lot about disciple-making, launching new faith communities, reaching young adults and marginalized people, and church development across varied contexts. I believe I can be an asset at General Conference in helping us mark out a faithful course for the future that sees us making disciples who make disciples, birthing new innovative churches, and spreading scriptural holiness across the land.
009 Rev. Malcolm L. Frazier![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNzAwMV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X21hbGNvbG1mcmF6aWVyLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0QyZWY3ODE5ZTEwZjFhMGZiOWJhYWEyOWFhOWNiNDlkZiI7/malcolmfrazier.jpg?fm=webp)
Asbury Methodist Village, Gaithersburg
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry; Conference Council on Youth Ministry; Conference Higher Education and Ministry Committee; District Committee on Superintendency; Co-chair of Conference Volunteers-in-Mission
General Agencies:
Executive Secretary for Mission Volunteers and U.S. Regional Representative at the General Board of Global Ministries in New York and Atlanta
Other Organizations:
Board member for Beyond Borders, which provides support for Haiti. Project Transformation, the Advocacy Committee for the National Black Methodist for Church Renewal, co-chair of the United Methodist Campus Ministry Association
I have served a local church, a college campus, a general agency, and am currently serving
010 Rev. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZyUyRjBlODYxNzAxNV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA3X2dpbmdlcmdhaW5lc2NpcmVsbGkuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QwJTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDNiZTdmZjcyMjlmYTE4ZmFjYTgxZTUwNzBmZGRiOGI3Ijs=/gingergainescirelli.jpg?fm=webp)
Foundry UMC, Washington, D.C.
2016, 2019 General Conference Delegate
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry (2017-present); Discipleship Council; co-chair, BWC Annual Conference Worship Team; chair, Board of Discipleship
General Church Agencies:
UM-Episcopal Dialogue
Other Organizations:
Interfaith Council of Suburban Maryland; Religious Partnership for the Anacostia
As a Jesus-follower and life-long United Methodist, I feel deeply called to the work of bridge building, intersectional justice-seeking, peacemaking, and reconciliation. I am committed to a biblically grounded, theologically informed, fully inclusive, anti-racist, anti-colonialist, and wholly Wesleyan vision for Methodism whatever shape the church may take in the future. My life and ministry experience across a variety of contexts — from growing up in
011 Rev. Katie J. Grover![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTk6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGayUyRjBlODYxNjk5N18xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X2thdGllZ3JvdmVyLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0QzOWJmMmUxOTk3MDFmM2EwYmYwMDgxYzE2NDEwOTBkZSI7/katiegrover.jpg?fm=webp)
Patapsco-Lodge Forest Cooperative Parish
Conference Agencies:
Path 1 team (2013) for the Baltimore Metropolitan District; work at West River Camp — 2014 director for Junior High Discovery Camp, this year will be my 5th as a counselor leading sports at the Ultimate Mid-High Camp; Spiritual Growth Study Leader at the Arkansas Conference mission u (2012 & 2015); Arkansas Conference Committee on Global Ministries; Arkansas Conference Batesville/North District Co-coordinator for the District Committee on Youth Ministries; participated in or led more than 10 mission trips
Other Organizations:
Oversee comprehensive ministry to the unhoused/poor of the community;); Safe Nights Coordinator for St Paul UMC in Lusby; Board of Directors for Aldersgate Renewal Ministries; and more
I am a lifelong United Methodist, beginning my career in a vocational ministry as a US-2 Young Adult Missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries serving as the director of an ecumenical children’s and youth ministries in a small town in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. I continued in ministry as a lay person serving for nine years as the director of children’s and youth ministries in Mountain View, Arkansas. In 2008, I returned to Maryland and entered the secular workforce before succumbing to God’s call to enter seminary and work toward ordination. In 2013, I began pastoring two churches in East Baltimore County and was ordained in 2016. With my diverse background, serving as a missionary,
012 Rev. C. Anthony Hunt![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTY6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGdCUyRjBlODYxNzAwN18xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X3RvbnlodW50LmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RjYTc2MDc4ZjUxNTBmOGIwMzdlMGI0MDk4ZGU2MGRlOCI7/tonyhunt.jpg?fm=webp)
Epworth Chapel UMC, Baltimore
2000 – Jurisdictional Conference Alternate Delegate
2008 – General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegate
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry (2000-2008, 2012-present), Board Chair since 2016; Commission on Finance and Administration (2008-2012)
General Agencies:
Member of General Commission on Religion and Race (2008-2012), co-chair of the Strategic Planning Taskforce; member of the Inter-Ethnic Strategy Development Group (1998-2004); member of the Northeastern Jurisdiction Committee on Ministry (2016-present)
My vision continues to be for an inclusive church, which embraces the entirety of our Wesley heritage. As a
013 Rev. Travis D. Knoll![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTk6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGdCUyRjBlODYxNzAwOV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X3RyYXZpc2tub2xsLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0Q0MWFlNzI2MjkwNzBlYTk0NTIyM2Y1NzdkNzI3NWUxMSI7/travisknoll.jpg?fm=webp)
Hunt Memorial UMC, Riderwood
Conference Agencies:
Chair, Board of Discipleship; Chair, District Committee on Ordained Ministry; member Board of Evangelism; member, Rules Committee
Other Organization:
Volunteer Chaplain, GBMC
I believe that diversity of not only gender, sex, ethnic and national origin, and orientation, but also
014 Rev. Conrad O. Link![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjk6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYyUyRjBlODYxNzAyOF8xNTU0Mzg3NDg5X2NvbnJhZGxpbmsyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNENmVkOTU3ZDJlZGJmZGE0MWM0NjcyNWQ2ODAyYmU5YTYiOw==/conradlink2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Superintendent, Cumberland Hagerstown District
2012 General Conference delegate;
2016 first alternate to General Conference;
2019 Special Session General Conference delegate
Conference Agencies:
Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry 2004-2008; Secretary, Board of Ordained Ministry 2000-2004; Member of the Board 1986-1996; Member BWC Board of Trustees 2008-2010; Cabinet Rep to Board of Trustees 2012-2019; Board of Pensions 2012-2018
Other Organizations:
Numerous Volunteer in Mission trips; Appalachia Service Projects; Summer Camp at Manidokan; Board member of the American Red Cross of Frederick County (9 years); President-VP-Secretary of the Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs; charter member of the Carroll Creek Rotary Club (member for 17 years)
The work to transform the UMC into a functioning, timely and effective ministry vehicle for the proclamation of the Gospel in the 21st century is not yet complete. I would like to be part of the process that helps make the UMC into the church God intends it to be as "fully
015 Rev. Jerry Lesley Lowans![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTk6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNjk5M18xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X2plcnJ5bG93YW5zLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0QwNzlhNTE0ZjhjMjA1ZDYxZWFhZGExODA1NTU2YWQwNCI7/jerrylowans.jpg?fm=webp)
Washington Square UMC, Hagerstown
Since our BWC is a very diverse conference in many ways, I feel I would, as a delegate, be able to help assure that diversity would be equally represented at our General Conference. I would look forward to
016 Rev. Bonnie McCubbin![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYiUyRjBlODYxNjk4OV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X2Jvbm5pZW1jY3ViYmluLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RkY2FmODU4NTRhMmU1NDliNTUyOGQ2NzM5YzhlNWQ0NCI7/bonniemccubbin.jpg?fm=webp)
Good Shepherd UMC, Baltimore
Conference Agencies:
Chair, Conference Committee on Christian Unity and
Other Organizations:
Candidacy Mentor, Summer Camp Curriculum Writer, Summer Camp Director (West River); LeadHer Ministry for Young Women Director; Young Clergy Women International Development Committee (past member)
I am a passionate, driven person with a desire to share Christ with all people. I have served rural, suburban, and urban congregations in my 10 years of pastoral ministry. A historian by training, I see the long history of where we have come from and where we need to go to move forward in the future so
017 Rev. James Martin Miller![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNzAxN18xNTU0Mzg3NDA3X2ppbW1pbGxlci5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEMDAwNWExZWQ5MDQxOGUwMjVkYWU5MWVlYzA5OTRiYzUiOw==/jimmiller.jpg?fm=webp)
Grace UMC, Gaithersburg
Conference Agencies:
Current Chair, Episcopal Committee; Board of Ordained Ministry; Moving Committee; District Committee on Ordained Ministry
It is my hope and prayer that by serving as an elected delegate of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, I can help the Church move forward in these challenging times. I am willing to do the work necessary to be informed as possible as a delegate. I will be open-minded in considering and prayerfully discerning all legislation. As a delegate, I would bring to the table over 30 years of pastoral ministry. Much of my experience has been in finding ways for congregations to work together in spiritual growth and in outreach to those in need. I believe there
018 Rev. Ianther Mills![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaSUyRjBlODYxNjk2OV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2lhbnRoZXJtaWxscy5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEZTIwYzcwMGFkYzYxM2Q5OTIyZTdmOTVkZWViNzU1YWMiOw==/ianthermills.jpg?fm=webp)
Asbury UMC, Washington, D.C.
General Conference Alternate Delegate (2012)
NEJ Conference Delegate (2012)
NEJ Conference Delegate (2008)
Conference Agencies:
Episcopacy Committee (2016 to present); vice chair, Board of Ordained Ministry (2013-2016); member, Board of Ordained Ministry (2003-2013); Discipleship Council (2008-2013); Unified Funding Task Force (2008-2013); Instructor at Zimbabwe Pastors School
General Church Agencies:
Interim President, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (2015-2016); vice president, GBHEM (2012-2015); member, GBHEM (2008-2012); The World Methodist Council (2016 to present); GCFA Apportionment Task Force (2017-2018); Africa University Governance Committee (2015-2016)
Other Organizations:
Leadership Greater Washington; Washington Interfaith Network; Downtown Cluster of Congregations; Howard University Hospital Faith Partners
The United Methodist Church is at a critical place in its identity and direction as we are challenged with making disciples for the transformation of the world and the complex work of diversity and inclusion. As a former district superintendent, former GBHEM director, form delegate to General and Jurisdictional conferences, and one who has pastored churches of various sizes and contexts, including cross-racial, I have honed gifts of discernment, leadership, conflict transformation, and working with diverse people in the U.S. and globally. I bring those unique gifts to participating in shaping our witness to the world for 2020 and beyond. Further, I am deeply committed to living out our Wesleyan understanding of grace and the biblical values of the Grant Commandment, Great Commission
019 Rev. Kenneth P. Moore![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGayUyRjBlODYxNjk5OV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X2tlbm5ldGhtb29yZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEYzMyOTQ4ODI0MjQ2Mjk4OGFkODlmMzdjYjAwZjFiYzMiOw==/kennethmoore.jpg?fm=webp)
Zion UMC, Lexington Park
Conference Committees:
Annapolis and Washington East District Committees on Ordained Ministry; Washington East registrar for full membership; Certified Clergy Mentor; Instructor for the Annapolis District School of Faith and Life; CLM Instructor; Conference Board of Pension; currently on the Rules Committee; past BWC Hunger Coordinator; Conference Sessions Committee
Ordained a Deacon in 1998 and Elder in 2002, I have over 24
020 Rev. Maidstone Mulenga![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzU6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNzAyNl8xNTU0Mzg3NDg5X21haWRzdG9uZW11bGVuZ2EyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEOWNkZTE2ZWIwZjFkMzZmYzc4MTNkZDhkODllMzhkNTciOw==/maidstonemulenga2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Director of Communications, Council of Bishops, Washington, D.C.
2008, 2012 General Conference Delegate from Western New York Conference
Conference Agencies:
Served as Director of Connectional Ministries and Assistant to the Bishop
General Church Agencies:
Chair of Product Services, United Methodist Publishing House
Secretary of the Committee on Correlation and Editorial Revision for the Book of Discipline
I would like to serve as a delegate to the General and Jurisdictional Conferences as part of my desire to make The United Methodist Church a truly global church through acceptance of all of God’s people. I am the Director of Communications for the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church. In this role, I manage and direct the internal and external communications of the Council and oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive communications strategy. Previously, I served as the Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Connectional Ministries in the Baltimore-Washington Conference. I previously served as pastor in several churches in the then Western New York Conference and as director of communications in the Upper New York Conference. I have been a delegate to the General and NEJ Conferences and I was the editor of the NEJ Daily Christian Advocate.
021 Rev. Laura Norvell![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbCUyRjBlODYxNjk3NV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2xhdXJhbm9ydmVsbC5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEZDU3ZmZmOGU4MjBiZjE0NGUyNTkxYTQ1Yzg2NmYwNjQiOw==/lauranorvell.jpg?fm=webp)
Ferndale UMC, Ferndale
Conference Agencies:
BWC Campus Ministry Task Force (2019); The Wesley @ UMD Board of Directors (2014-Present); Chair of The Wesley (2017-present); United to Love participant
I am a cradle Methodist whose DNA is Wesleyan and Methodist. I served as a senior administrator at Wesley for more than 10 years during a season of seismic shifts. I have seen the way God calls people, and I have been a part of the work that has to be done to shape the future of a denomination with and for young leaders. I have served churches where we are called to make disciples and disciple others across major differences
022 Rev. Bryant M. Oskvig![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYiUyRjBlODYxNjk5MV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X2JyeWFudG9za3ZpZy5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEZjAyNDE5MDU1NGViZmRmMzJiMzYyNjJlYzE2YjYzZGUiOw==/bryantoskvig.jpg?fm=webp)
Chaplain, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Conference Agencies:
Audit Committee; Worship Committee; Campus Ministry Task Force; Vice-President CFA
The United Methodist Church has come to a critical moment as an institution. This is a time when we have to thoughtfully consider our theology, our history, and our structure. With my educational background and my experiences, I think I have gifts to share
023 JW “Jong Woo” Park![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjU6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNzAzMl8xNTU0Mzg3NDg5X2p3cGFyazIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RmNjFjZjRlNWQ4M2QwODYyNzM1MTUxNTcxNTcwMTNjNSI7/jwpark2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Central Maryland Superintendent
2012, 2016, 2019 General Conference Delegate
Conference Agencies:
Trustees; Board of Ordained Ministry; Worship Committee; Personnel Committee; Discipleship Council; Connectional Table; Episcopacy Committee
General Church Agencies:
NEJ Finance Committee
Other Organizations:
President of the National Association of Korean UM pastors serving cross-racial appointments
I’d like to represent the BWC as an Asian-American clergy member. I’d like to see the BWC sending an inclusive delegation to the General Conference.
024 Rev. Frankie Allen Revell![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjE6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZiUyRjBlODYxNjk2M18xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2ZyYW5raWVyZXZlbGwuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QwJTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRGNhZTYyNzc0NDE4M2ZkYmE2ZWUxMGZkZjZjMTI5ZDdiIjs=/frankierevell.jpg?fm=webp)
LaVale UMC, LaVale
Conference Agencies:
United Methodist Women —Dean of Mission u (formerly School of Christian Mission); Board of Ordained Ministry
General Church Agencies:
General Board of Global Discipleship
My vision for the church is simple: it is a church in which we encounter God in worship, accept Christ, operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and love and serve our neighbors. I am particularly passionate about poverty alleviation and encouraging every person to live into their identity as a sacred child of God. My spirituality is one of deep prayer, reflection, and discernment rooted in Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. I am neither swayed by my own agenda or emotions nor those of others.
025 Rev. Kirkland Reynolds![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGayUyRjBlODYxNjk3M18xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2tpcmtsYW5kcmV5bm9sZHMuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QwJTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRGU2Njc4MTUxMTg5MzBhNDA0MmI5MDJiNDQxYWEzMzA0Ijs=/kirklandreynolds.jpg?fm=webp)
Chevy Chase UMC, Chevy Chase
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry, Culture of Call Committee Chair (2016 – present); Greater Washington District Committee on Ministry, Vice-Chair, (2012 – present); Discipleship Council (2012-2016)
Other Organizations:
Communities United Against Hate in Montgomery County; Living Your Call Ministry Exploration Workshop Candidacy Mentor; Baltimore-Washington Area Reconciling Methodists; License to Preach School Preaching Practicum Facilitator; Baltimore-Washington & Zimbabwe Annual Conferences Partnership; Washington Leadership Days presenter; Lay Servant Ministry Facilitator
I believe in a church that holds tightly to love and justice whenever we discern our polity, values, and mission. Since 2007, I have served a two-point charge, served in ministry with youth and families, served a cooperative parish, and now serve a suburban congregation. I have been privileged to serve two appointments that each discerned joining the Reconciling movement. In these ministry
026 Rev. Edgardo Rivera![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZSUyRjBlODYxNzAzMF8xNTU0Mzg3NDg5X2VkZ2FyZG9yaXZlcmEyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEMDdiZGY3ZTYwOGU5YjZjNzkxNjgzODRhYjc3ZDNjZmMiOw==/edgardorivera2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Superintendent, Frederick District
2016 Jurisdictional Delegate
2019 First Alternate to Special Session
Conference Agencies:
Religion and Race; Church and Society; Hispanic/Latino Ministries
General Church Agencies:
Board Member General Board of Church and Society
Other Organizations:
Chaplain in the Maryland Air National Guard
These are critical times in the UMC. I believe I bring to the table a voice from the diverse community that we represent, both from within our BWC and the community that is around us, which we are to be in ministry with. I do not take for granted that God, through this conference, has allowed me to be present, to listen, to experience and to witness the relevant ministry that is taking place in urban and rural settings in Maryland and West Virginia. We are a church with a message of grace who seeks to be in
027 Rev. Melissa Rudolph![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNjk3OV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X21lbGlzc2FydWRvbHBoLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0QwZTk2ZWEwYTY2NzMzYjA3ZjhhYTU2Nzk4NGVhNjZjZCI7/melissarudolph.jpg?fm=webp)
North Carroll Cooperative Parish
Alternate to the 2016 Jurisdictional Conference and participated in
Conference Agencies:
Chair, Order of Elders; Board of Ordained Ministry Executive Committee; CLM registrar on the Baltimore Suburban DCOM
Other Organizations:
I am led by the Holy Spirit to be a part of shaping the future of our denomination as my primary calling within ministry is to be a reformer. I am not aligned with any caucus or special interest group, so I speak out of deep prayer and discernment without any heed for strategy and the body politic. The United Methodist Church (WV in BWC) is the church of my baptism and I know no other spiritual home. I have served most of my nearly 18 years in pastoral ministry in small membership, rural churches, so I bring a concern for the geographic margins of our conference coupled with an understanding of our urban settings from studying at American University as an undergraduate and grad student before the ministry.
028 Rev. Sarah Andrews Schlieckert![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNjk4MV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X3NhcmFoc2NobGllY2tlcnQuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QwJTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRGJhZjlkMGNiOTJhMmQ3ZWYxNTE5ZDQ2MGM1YmU2NGMyIjs=/sarahschlieckert.jpg?fm=webp)
Calvary UMC, Waldorf
2016 Jurisdictional delegate and alternate to the 2019 Special General Conference session
Conference Agencies:
Since 2012, member of the Board of Ordained Ministry, served as chair of the Frederick DCOM and now serve as chair of the Exam; Arrangements Committee (2009 to 2018); Commission on the Status and Role of Women (2008-2009); Frederick Hispanic/Latino Ministry Advisory Board (2008-2010); Annual Conference Worship Design Team (2007-2008); Co-chair of Clergywomen’s Strategy Subcommittee (2005-2007)
I have been honored to serve my entire ministry in the BWC, a community which has nurtured me and challenged me to grow both as a pastor and as a disciple of Jesus Christ. I will seek to listen earnestly and continue in open dialogue with all laity and clergy in our conference. My service on the Board of Ordained Ministry has helped me to gain a broad understanding of and experience with all the persons and ministry settings which make up our annual conference. I will continue to work for full inclusion of all persons in the life of the church, especially our LGBTQIA+ siblings, persons of color, and those of differing abilities. I would again come with a commitment to keep my mind and heart open to learn, process and lead in new ways as God guides me and the entire delegation.
029 Rev. Scott Dale Shumaker![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjE6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNjk4M18xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X3Njb3R0c2h1bWFrZXIuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QwJTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDcwNjkyZTE3ZWFiYzIwOTIzNzhhMDI0MmQzNmQzM2RiIjs=/scottshumaker.jpg?fm=webp)
Parkton Cooperative Parish
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry 2008 to present; Positions Held — Chair of Biblical Skills Committee 2010-2016; Provisional Member Registrar 2016 to present; Ordination Coordinator 2016 to present; Baltimore Suburban District Committee on Ministry 2012 to present; Secretary 2014 to present
Other Organizations:
Boy Scouts of America — Cub Scout Master
As a lifelong member of The United Methodist Church, the decisions of the 2019 Special General Conference were painful on many different levels and have only
030 Rev. Stephen Andrew Tillett![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMjM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNjk4NV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X3N0ZXBoZW4tdGlsbGV0dC5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEOWI4MzcxOWZiZDU1YjhlODczYmUyN2E2M2M5MzM5ODYiOw==/stephen-tillett.jpg?fm=webp)
Asbury Broadneck UMC, Annapolis
Conference Agencies:
Advocacy and Action Board; Board of Ordained Ministry; Baltimore West District Committee on Ministry; Dean of the Order of Elders
Other Organizations:
Strategy team and founding member of ACT (Anne Arundel Connecting Together); past president Anne Arundel County Branch NAACP; Author of “Stop Falling for the Okeydoke: How the Lie of ‘Race’ Continues to Undermine Our Country (2017); chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) US Air Force; past president Annapolis Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (AIMA); past member of IAF affiliates BUILD in Baltimore and WIN in Washington, D.C.
I seek to represent the BWC as a GC Delegate because I am keenly aware of the political complexities and the emotional considerations to the potential schism of our beloved UMC. While I hope for a reconciliation of the various factions, I will not approach the GC, nor the related discussions with an attitude of genuflection or fear. Either we will reconcile or we will not. But we must get back to The Main Thing: making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Every moment we take away from
031 Rev. Eliezer Valentín Castañón![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzE6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZSUyRjBlODYxNjk2NV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2VsaWV6ZXJ2YWxlbnRpbmNhc3Rhbm9uLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0Q2ZjE0NTJhYzIxZGE3OTNmMzE1MTliZGU0MDRlNDNmZCI7/eliezervalentincastanon.jpg?fm=webp)
Trinity UMC, Frederick
Conference Agencies:
Board of Ordained Ministry; District Committee on Ordained Ministry (Central Maryland and Frederick districts); Committee on Church and Society; Committee on Hispanic/Latino Ministry (chair 2008-2017); Advocacy and Action Ministry; New York Annual Conference Ministry to Ministers Program; conflict resolution team
General Church Agencies:
From 1994-2005,
Other Organizations:
The National Council of Churches of Christ; NEJ Global Structure Task Force; chair of the Hispanic Staff Forum of the UMC; NAACP; Board of Directors of the Center for New Community; founding member and vice-president of the “Sociedad Wesleyana”; MARCHA, the UMC National Hispanic
I believe that serving as
032 Rev. Timothy B. Warner![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGdCUyRjBlODYxNjk4N18xNTU0Mzg3NDA2X3RpbXdhcm5lci5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEOGIxZTRlNjI5NGVlYWZlM2U2YTY1ODdlNWE2NjU3MDciOw==/timwarner.jpg?fm=webp)
Mill Creek Parish UMC
2000 General and Jurisdictional Delegate
Conference Agencies:
Associate Council Director for Community and Economic Development (1998-2005); frequent workshop leader for UMW and Leadership Days; currently serve on Camping and Retreat Ministries Vision Team; co-founder Greater Gaithersburg Youth Ministry
Other Organizations:
Appalachian Service Project; Group Ministries Workcamp
Our church needs leaders who are relationally connected with others to discern a trajectory for the church that makes it relevant in communities, leaves its members whole as people and disciples of Christ, and is grounded in a theology that is not dominated by the politics of power.
033 Rev. Julie Marie Wilson![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTk6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNjk3MV8xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2p1bGlld2lsc29uLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0QxZDRlZTUwYzk1N2NhZWRlYjM4MmIzZGY5MDIxZjUyNSI7/juliewilson.jpg?fm=webp)
Calvary UMC, Frederick
Conference Agencies:
BWC Board of Church and Society (2012-2018); chair of Church and Society (2016-2018); Frederick District Hispanic Latino Advisory Board (2017); NEW Immigration Task Force (2017-present); BWC’s Climate Justice Team (2018-present); NEJ Call to Action Racial Justice team (2017-present)
General Agencies:
Employed by the General Board of Church and Society (2011-2013)
Other Organizations:
Board of Second Street and Hope, which serves Frederick’s poor (2017-present); WV/MD CREDO Community; BWARM
I find great value in the diversity of the connectional church. I appreciate the variety of viewpoints that we each approach our faith with due to the varied contexts we come from. However, we also all share certain elements of our faith and values in common. The work of the General Conference is to find the best combination of what works in the context of the global church while still preserving the essence of United Methodism and who we are as a people called Methodists. I believe that I have been called and have gifts which qualify me to be a part of the team which engages in this important work in 2020 with our siblings from around the globe.
034 Rev. Leo Yates![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTY6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbCUyRjBlODYxNjk3N18xNTU0Mzg3NDA1X2xlb3lhdGVzLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0QzNWI2YzkwY2I0NTFhNDBjZGRjZWRjZjRhNzYyZGFmYiI7/leoyates.jpg?fm=webp)
As a Deacon, serve as a licensed therapist and behavioral health specialist with the Division of Rehabilitation Services and Magothy UMC of the Deaf
Conference Agencies:
Commission on Disability Concerns (2013-2018); Seeds of Security committee (2018 - present); Arrangements Committee for Annual Conference (2014- Present)
General Church Agencies:
Global Ministries’ Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries Committee (2014-present); Consultant on Deaf Ministry for Global Ministries (2016-present)
Other Organizations:
Liaison member with United Methodist Congress of the Deaf, the national DisAbility Ministries Committee; BWARM; United Methodist Association of Ministers with Disabilities caucus; appointed by Maryland Governor Hogan to the Board of Trustees for the Maryland School for the Deaf
In my work as a deacon, I have compassion and frequently advocate for persons who are marginalized or underserved. For instance: persons with disabilities (differing abilities), Deaf and hard of hearing persons, those who are blind and visually impaired, those with mobility issues, older adults, persons with mental health or substance use disorders, and others. These persons are often overlooked or neglected in many of our churches. If we do not have a disability yet, then we are temporarily abled, as we will likely develop one as we age. As a caregiver for my elderly father, I see his ailments/needs and those in the church. This vital work needs a voice/vote at both
001 Michelle R. Baker
Oakdale Emory UMC, Olney
Local Church Committees:
Worship, Finance Chair
I have been involved at the leadership level of the local church since 1993, as I am married to an ordained UMC pastor. I love our Wesleyan traditions and desire to help all of us stay true to our roots as we share the Gospel in new and exciting ways. I desire for our churches to be vibrant and alive as we engage all people in our varying cultures. As the
002 Megan Blizzard![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNzkzM18xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X21lZ2FuYmxpenphcmQyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0Q0MGJlMmIzZmY0YzEzNTg3NGZlNTBkNmRlODJhZDIzOCI7/meganblizzard2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Westminster UMC, Westminster
Local Church Committees:
Lay leader; Certified Lay Speaker; chair of Staff-Parish Relations and Nominations committees; member of Board of Trustees and Finance Committee; chair worship design committees; worship leader; and organized Bible studies and other small groups
Conference Committees:
Conference Young Adult Council for three years, currently serving as chair; Young People’s Ministry Board; lay member to Annual Conference for eight years
Other Organizations:
B-WARM steering committee; through my job, I work with agencies including Human Services Project and Youth Services Bureau to connect youth with housing,
As I watched the
003 Daniel Colbert![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZCUyRjBlODYxNzk0OV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2RhbmllbGNvbGJlcnQyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RhZWJkNTVhM2ZlZjlkMDk4ODlhMjQ4YTgzZWM0MWJiZSI7/danielcolbert2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Silver Spring UMC, Silver Spring
Local Church Committees:
4C Exploratory Committee on church properties (2018-present); Worship Committee (2014-2015); founding member and chair of ad hoc lay committee on inclusion/welcoming (2011-2012); at the University of Virginia served on the Wesley Foundation mission trip planning committee (2007); at First UMC in Pensacola, Fla., Youth Group president (2004-2005)
As a young adult, I care deeply about the future of the UMC — a future I believe must embody the diversity and radical inclusivity of the
004 Tracy Collins![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGdCUyRjBlODYxNzk2MV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc5X3RyYWN5LWNvbGxpbnMyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RmYTFiNjgxNDUwY2I3NjVkN2NjYmFkNGIwMjliOTlkOSI7/tracy-collins2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Foundry UMC, Washington, D.C.
Church Committees:
Lay Member to Annual Conference (2013-present); Staff-Parish Relations Committee (2013-2016); Personnel Committee (2015-present); Foundry Church Management Board; Lay Leader
Other Organizations:
Foundry Social Justice Ministry teams including Sandwich 1000; Saturday Morning Cooking Ministry, Concert for Life Planning Committee, LGBTQ Inclusion Advocacy Ministry Team; Board of Directors of Boys Town Washington D.C.
The Baltimore-Washington Conference is a paragon of diversity and inclusion in The United Methodist Church, with few peers across our Connection. As a delegate from this venerable font of Wesleyan teaching in America, I feel called by the Creator of us all to the work of building bridges, mending the hurts, atoning for all oppression, seeking justice, and creating space for all Easter people to live into God’s loving and liberating peace! As a proud gay man of color, my life involves a continuing story of reflection, strategic involvement, faithful advocacy, and dedication of my prayers, presence, gifts
005 Amelia Duroska![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYSUyRjBlODYxNzkxNV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc3X2FtZWxpYWR1cm9za2EyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RiYTU1Yjk3NjFkYjYxMWNkMDc1MjdlZmZkNTM4YTMzMyI7/ameliaduroska2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
North Bethesda UMC, Bethesda
Church Committees:
Chair, Church Council (2016-2018); Board of Trustees, two terms; Sunday School teacher; altar guild; participate in mission-related work
Conference Agencies:
Connectional Table
Other Organizations:
MSI Recreation League Girls Soccer Coach for five seasons
I believe that I have a strong and achievable vision for our United Methodist Church: a vision that will attract new, committed members to our Faith, including attracting younger members and followers of Jesus Christ. All moral, social, and economic problems in our society can be addressed through our Wesleyan heritage and the abiding truths of our social justice principles. We must be bold in proclaiming our social justice truths, stated in language and structure that resonates in the minds and hearts of women, men, and young people today. People are searching for joy, hope, and connection in our times: most self-help books borrow from Christian principles and thought. Infusing the love and hope of Jesus Christ could greatly reduce self-harm and suicide that are tragically on the rise.
006 Sarah Ford![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNzk0MV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X3NhcmFoZm9yZDIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDQwMTI4OTIwOGYzMzcyZmIxNWNiMTE3MDA4MzVhZjI0Ijs=/sarahford2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Sharp Street Memorial UMC, Baltimore
Jurisdictional delegate 2016
Local Church Committees:
Chair of Finance and Staff-Parish Relations committees; member of Board of Trustees
Conference Committees:
Chair of Nominations Committee
Other Organizations:
I serve with the Baltimore Metropolitan District Lay Servant team that renders worship service at the Keswick Multi-Care Facility. I teach with an ecumenical Bible study group in my neighborhood to persons under court order for substance abuse
After much prayer, I feel God is calling me to continue what was started in 2016 and in St. Louis. I was a jurisdictional delegate and observed the hurt that transpired. I would like to be an agency for healing as well as bringing all of God’s United Methodist children together in the church. I will work diligently to ensure that I represent to the best of my ability.
007 John C. Hines Jr.![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNzkyNV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2pvaG5oaW5lc2pyMjAyMG5vbWluZWUuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEMTI0MGYyMmVjNDVlMzM4NTBmMjczM2FmOTJhYWZiZDkiOw==/johnhinesjr2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Mt. Zion UMC, Lothian
Church Committees:
Church Council Chairperson; Lay Leader; Lay Member to Annual Conference
Conference Agencies:
LGBT Dialogue Team (2005-2008)
As a life-long Methodist, I am sorry to see our Church suffering through these pangs of change. However, after 40+ years of Holy Conferencing, our discussions over scriptural interpretation have not resolved our differences. Both Progressives and Traditionalists hold onto
008 Chet Jechura![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYyUyRjBlODYxNzkxOV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc3X2NoZXRqZWNodXJhMjAyMG5vbWluZWUuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEZWQzNzFmYzk2ZmI3Y2Q1NDQ3M2MwNGQ5YmJiMDk2NmUiOw==/chetjechura2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Foundry UMC, Washington, D.C.
Other Organizations:
Bread for the World – Communications Department
In 13 hours, over 15,000 young people, including myself, signed onto a statement of unity that was presented to the 2019 General Conference. The Holy Spirit inspired me to sign the statement and share it with my friends. It is the same Spirit that has now compelled me to be considered as a delegate to the 2020 General Conference. I believe that when we answer the Spirit’s call and are open to
009 Nathan Jones![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzI6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbiUyRjBlODYxNzk1N18xNTU0Mzk0Njc5X25hdGhhbmpvbmVzMjAyMG5vbWluZWUuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEZjQzZDlkOTIwZmUxMmFmOGU2YWMzMjI3ZWY1NTcwZDciOw==/nathanjones2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Epworth UMC, Cockeysville
Church Committees:
Youth representative on the ART Board; intergenerational mission team
Conference Agencies:
Treasurer, CCYM; ROCK Team; youth delegate to Leadership Board
Other Organizations:
Baltimore County Christian Workcamp; Goodwill Thanksgiving dinner
Over the past year, your churches, our conference and our denomination have gone through deep spiritual deliberation and meditation which culminated in the Special General Conference. As we move forward, countless decisions and changes will occur. As a youth, this applies to me more than ever as it will determine the future of the church I love. I feel God calling me to be a delegate to be able to provide a youth’s voice, a voice of the future, and a voice of unity to guide our churches, our conference, and our denomination in a way that will spread the love and message of Jesus Christ to everyone.
010 Heather H. Kraus![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaCUyRjBlODYxNzk1MV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2hlYXRoZXJrcmF1czIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDExZWE3MGE1MmI0OTFhYjllN2RjMzI1ZjBjODk0MDJkIjs=/heatherkraus2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Severna Park UMC, Severna Park
Church Committees:
Staff-Parish Relations Committee (2000-2002), chair of Church Council (2019-2021), member Church Council, Finance and Worship committees, Lay Member to Annual Conference (2012-2014, 2016-2018)
Conference Agencies:
Annapolis District Superintendency Committee (2017-present)
Other Organizations:
I served as a mentor to women at Ordinance Road Detention Center through the Good News Prison Ministries program in 2010 through 2013. Led Disciple Bible Study classes and taught children’s Sunday School
The United Methodist Church has loved me, nurtured me and made me a better person by guiding me in an ever-evolving relationship with God and God’s children. I treasure the UM values, which encourage reliance on Scripture along with intellect, tradition
011 Christie Latona![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzU6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYyUyRjBlODYxNzk0NV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2NocmlzdGllbGF0b25hMjAyMG5vbWluZWUuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEM2IxZWIwNTFkNGQxMjBiMzkxOTVmODA2YWVhNzU3NTkiOw==/christielatona2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Emory UMC, Washington, D.C.
Alternate delegate in 2016 and 2019
Church Committees:
Church Council Chair; Lay Member to Annual Conference; Communications Chair; Experience chair and small group leader; as youth sang in the choir and served as secretary and VP for UMYF
Conference Agencies:
Director of Connectional Ministries; Grow Congregations Team
General Church Agencies:
Executive Committee of Path 1’s Board (2008-2016)
Other Organizations:
Northeastern Jurisdiction Vision Table (2016-present)
I am seeking to represent the BWC as a lay delegate because people asked me to do so and we are at a critical juncture in the life of the UMC. Over the past six years of serving the BWC, I have grown to understand and love the breadth, diversity, strengths
012 Melissa Lauber![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNzkzNV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X21lbGlzc2FsYXViZXIyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RhM2I2MTAzMjBhMTc2OTRiOTdkZTcyMmYxZTM5MDQzZCI7/melissalauber2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
National UMC, Washington, D.C.
2012 General Conference Delegate
2008 and 2016 General Conference Alternate
Conference Agencies:
As the Conference Director of Communications, I serve on the Commission on Communications, Discipleship Council, Council on Finance and Administration, Sessions and Arrangements committees, Connectional Table and the Conference Executive Team
General Church Agencies:
General Commission on Communications – 2 quadrennia; one
The United Methodist Church stands at a threshold. I would like to offer my 25 years of experience with the Baltimore-Washington Conference to help craft the identity of the church as it continues to unfold. As the Conference Director of Communications, I have told the stories of thousands of United Methodists living out their faith. From these
013 Sharon Milton![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcyUyRjBlODYxNzkzOV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X3NoYXJvbm1pbHRvbjIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDNmOGI5ZjBmYjM3YmMyOGM4ZjUxMjRkMTUwYzE0NWE1Ijs=/sharonmilton2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Emory Fellowship UMC, Washington, D.C.
Church Committees:
Youth Director, Evangelism and Outreach Ministry, Worship Team, Returning Citizen Ministry, Christian Education, Mission team, Church Council, four times Lay Member to Annual Conference
Conference Agencies:
Leader for Greater Washington District on BWC Youth Ministry; taught various workshops at Leadership Days; Dean, UMW Mission u Youth School (2019); Zimbabwe Pastors’ School teacher (2013, 2015, 2017)
Other Organizations:
Several VIM
After prayers and discernment, I am seeking to represent the BWC because I believe I will be a great asset to the team and help make decisions in the best interest of all. I would like to be a united voice for my conference and learn more about The United Methodist Church in the process. I’m able to commit, stay focus and complete the task. In a time when our denomination seems separated, I believe I can be a new voice at the table uniting us as one. I am able to have holy conferencing, listening and voicing my opinion and, if there is a disagreement, it will be done in love. I do believe God has equipped and is calling me to work with the team for the task and the great work to be done.
014 Charles E. Moore, Jr.![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYyUyRjBlODYxNzkxN18xNTU0Mzk0Njc3X2NoYXJsZXNtb29yZTIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDJkODNjMjQ5N2E2MDk1Y2Q4ODUyNWQ5ODBiOWQ5MWRlIjs=/charlesmoore2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Community UMC, Crofton
2012 and 2016 General Conference Delegate
Church Committees:
VIM Team Leader to Zimbabwe since 2001; Currently vice chair of Finance Committee; Previous Chair of Ad Council, Finance and Stewardship committees
Conference Agencies:
Currently serving on Council of Finance and Administration (previously served as President for 5 years) and the CFA Budget Committee, and the Episcopacy Committee; previously served on several task forces relating to apportionments and the covenant relationship with The Board of Child Care, the Hope Fund Committee, the Imagine No Malaria Planning Committee, and the Love Offering Committee for Bishop Matthew’s retirement
General Church Agencies:
Currently serving on the Board of Directors of Africa University (Chair of Finance Committee) and on The Board of Governors of Wesley Theological Seminary; GBHEM Investment Committee; previously served two terms on the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) where I chaired the General Agency and Episcopal Matters Committee
Other Organizations:
The Board of Trustees of McDaniel College (formerly Western Maryland College) since 1993
My passion for the United Methodist " Connection" through "mission," higher education and financial management has been evidenced by my extensive involvement in our church at all levels. Through these various roles, I have developed a deep understanding and appreciation for how our denomination funds its various ministries and how we fulfill our global mission. I am consistent in my focus on enabling our denomination to provide the leadership and financial resources for the local church to fulfill its mission to serve God, serve ourselves and serve others. I feel I have fulfilled these various roles with compassion, integrity
015 Kenneth Ow![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTY6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGayUyRjBlODYzMTQyN18xNTU0NzUwNzU4X2tlbm93Mi5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RhNWQ3N2JjNTdkOGRlZTA0NmM1YmExMTFmOWIxNDMwYiI7/kenow2.jpg?fm=webp)
North Bethesda UMC, Bethesda
2016 General Conference Delegate
Church Committees:
Church Council, chair, SPRC chair, Trustees chair, Worship Committee chair
Conference Agencies:
Ex Officio Member, Council on Finance and Administration; CFA Budget Committee. Ex Officio Member, NEJ CFA; previously: Board of Global Ministries
General Church Agencies:
Board Member, General Council on Finance and Administration; Member, GCFA Committee on Legal Responsibilities and Corporate Governance
Other Organizations:
Montgomery County Community Emergency Response Team Volunteer (2006-present): Logistics Coordinator, 2007-2018; Federally Certified Instructor (2007-present).
AARP Driver Safety Volunteer (2014-current): Instructor (2014-present); MD State Tech Advisor (2015-present); CarFit Technician (2015-present); CarFit Event Coordinator (2016-present); Smart DriverTEK Workshop Presenter (2018-present)
Our General Conference work from this quadrennium is far from finished, and much harm has been done! I feel uniquely qualified to continue through the next four years given my experience and knowledge acquired during the current four years. After the proceedings in St. Louis, we have a couple of choices — fight or flight. Stay and continue our work or leave the denomination. I choose to stay and fight! I long for the day when we no longer need to identify ourselves as Reconciling Congregations; that UMC is synonymous with Reconciled! As a parent and grandparent, I am acutely aware of how the denomination is losing youth and young adults to the category “NONE” under church affiliation. Our focus needs to grow beyond church in the 1950s to remain relevant. We need to be attuned to the ministerial needs of the 21st century, 2020 and beyond.
016 Lutebula Danny Pembamoto![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyNDQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbCUyRjBlODYxNzkyOV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2x1dGVidWxhZGFubnlwZW1iYW1vdG8yMjAyMG5vbWluZWUuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI2NCUyNmglM0QyNjQlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEMTA1NjhkZDgxNzhhMDc3NmM4Mjk1NTVkNjY4YTVhNjciOw==/lutebuladannypembamoto22020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Hiss UMC, Parkville
Church Committees:
Trustee, Church Council, SPRC, Worship, Finance, Vacation Bible School and VIM team leader
Other Organizations:
Baltimore County Disaster Relief in Catonsville
Over the years, I have attended multiple training sessions and I learned much about my church. I participated at different occasions on very important issues and decisions which have impacted my church, such as church leader elections and supporting new clergy and Conference staff. I dedicated and continue to dedicate my time to
017 Philip H. Potter![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGcCUyRjBlODYxNzk1OV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc5X3BoaWxpcHBvdHRlcjIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDk4Nzk3Nzg3MTZjODNjYjNiNDkxMDU0YTdmZTEyMzFjIjs=/philippotter2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
National UMC/Metropolitan Memorial UMC
Church Committees:
Chairman, Church Council; Finance Committee; Praising/Worship Committee; Merger Task Force/Trustees; Chair, Foundation Board of Trustees
Conference Agencies:
Chair, Council on Finance and Administration; Chair of Budget Committee; Connectional Giving Committee
Other Organizations:
President of Palisades Village, a Washington non-profit that organizes volunteers and funds efforts to assist seniors to remain in their homes and live both safely and maintain their social contacts in their neighborhood
The Special Session left our denomination polarized with dueling sets of beliefs and now risks schism. We cannot remain where we are. We must try to heal the pain and hurt caused
018 Mittie Theobold Quinn![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzM6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNzk1NV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc5X21pdHRpZS1xdWlubjIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDQxODYyZjk3MTE4YWMwM2E3NmM1YTYyNGFjMTgxNDQxIjs=/mittie-quinn2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Dumbarton UMC, Georgetown
2016 NEJ Alternate
Church Committees:
Conference Agencies:
Chair (formerly) and current member of BWC Commission on Communications; past – served on COSROW
General Church Agencies:
At large Member of the Northeast Jurisdictional Committee on Ministry (“NEJ BOOM”)
Other Organizations:
Member of Methodist Federation for Social Action; Past chair of Baltimore Washington Area Reconciling United Methodists (BWARM) and current Affirmation/Outreach coordinator
I am a “cradle” Methodist – and old enough to remember when we became The United Methodist Church. I have been a member to two different Annual Conferences (Upper New York and BWC) and am both proud and amazed by the work that our church does spreading the Good News and seeking to create the
019 Chris Schlieckert![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYyUyRjBlODYxNzk0M18xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2Nocmlzc2NobGllY2tlcnQyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RlOWYwYTY2ZGE2YzNmODk4NDZjNGQyMzc2MGE0NzE3NyI7/chrisschlieckert2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Calvary UMC, Waldorf
Jurisdictional delegate in 2012 and 2016.
Attended General Conference 2012, 2016, and 2019 as an alternate
Church Committees:
I do not currently serve on any local church committees, but as a clergy spouse I am actively involved in a variety of aspects of the local church
Conference Agencies:
I am the Baltimore-Washington Conference’s Director of Retreat & Camping Ministries and the Director of The West River Center. I am a member of the BWC Call to Action Steering Committee
Other Organizations:
I have served as a local church youth leader, confirmation mentor, and on contemporary worship teams doing technology. I am Red Cross trainer and teaching lifeguarding and First Aid/CPR courses. I began Mission Manidokan which has worked with numerous service organizations and raised more than $22,000
As director of BWC Retreat & Camping Ministries and clergy spouse, I offer a unique perspective on the ministry of the church because I know the challenges of both leading a ministry and sitting in the pew. This gives me a depth of knowledge to help the UMC seize the opportunities before it and overcome obstacles which prevent us from fully living out God’s call. I was honored to serve as a delegate and alternate in 2012, 2016 and 2019. As
020 Jennifer Shepheard![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzg6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGaiUyRjBlODYxNzkyM18xNTU0Mzk0Njc3X2plbm5pZmVyc2hlcGhlYXJkMjAyMG5vbWluZWUuanBnJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDI1MCUyNmglM0QyNTAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEYzlhNjk1MTYxNmI4NDYyODdiOTMzMWVjM2RlYWM3NTAiOw==/jennifershepheard2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Otterbein UMC, Hagerstown
Church Committees:
Church Council, Communications intern (summer 2018) Praise band, teach middle and high school Sunday School
General Church Agencies:
General Board of Global Ministries as a Global Justice Volunteer in Nicaragua in 2016 and Zambia in 2018
Other Organizations:
Attended the Young People’s Conference in 2018 through the Global Mission Fellow Program
The United Methodist Church, like the current world, has become polarized, especially over many issues relating to people’s core beliefs. Although I have my own set of beliefs, my experiences both in the rural areas of the Baltimore-Washington Conference and abroad allow me to have a unique perspective that allows for finding common ground and cooperatively working to find solutions that will benefit all people involved in The United Methodist Church. As a passionate young adult, I hope to not only represent the youth and young adults at General Conference but to be able to put the beliefs of the Cumberland-Hagerstown District and the Baltimore-Washington Conference into the context of the global United Methodist church.
021 Matthew “Matt” S. Sichel![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlODYxNzkzMV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X21hdHRoZXdzaWNoZWwyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0RiMDgyZmY4MzA1ZDcyY2NiZGNiMzY4M2Y3Yjg5OTM0ZCI7/matthewsichel2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Wesley UMC, Hampstead
Reserve Jurisdictional Conference Delegate 2016 and Special Session in 2019
Church Committees:
Chair and Member at Large, Administrative Council; Member at Large, Outreach Committee; Church Historian; Sunday School Teacher; Member at Large, Building Committee; Certified Lay Servant since 2004
Other Organizations:
Eagle Scout
I consider it an honor, blessing
022 Cynthia Taylor![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGYyUyRjBlODYxNzk0N18xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X2N5bnRoaWF0YXlsb3IyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0Q0ZTdjOTc1NDVkZGRkYWYyMzQ0Y2M5NTEzODczN2Y5OCI7/cynthiataylor2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Mount Olive UMC, Randallstown
Delegate General Conference 2016 including 2019 Special Session
Church Committees:
Currently serve on Church Leadership Council; Youth Group Leader; UMW Charity Circle and Loaves and Fishes; served on Church and Society (chair); Discipleship Ministries (chair); VBS (chair); Sunday School teacher; Church Council; Service Ministries (chair); UMW (unit officer); Bible Study leader including Discipleship I and II
Conference Agencies:
Currently serving as Conference Secretary. Served as Church and Society District Linking Person; District Council on Ministries; Hope in the City; Chair of the Discipleship Council; Rules Committee (as Discipleship Council Chair and Conf. Secretary); Nominations, Sessions and Arrangements Committee (part of Conference Secretary duties); member of special budget committee on CFA; UMW Conference representative to the Appalachian Ministry Network.
General Church Agencies:
Resources Committee of General Board of Discipleship
Other Organizations:
Chair, Susanna Wesley House; Vice Chair, Night of Peace Family Shelter at Salem United Methodist Church; Chair, Baltimore County Department of Social Service Advisory Committee; Board member of Baltimore County Communities for the Homeless, Girl Scout Leader and Community Director
God equipped me with the ability to work with diverse people respectfully and effectively. In 2016, my first year as a delegate, I was on the Discipleship Legislative Committee. In subcommittee, I helped facilitate listening in a deeper way. I helped our group realize that while we were all United Methodists, we came from very different cultures and experiences and that “one size did not fit all” regarding changes to the Book of Discipline. A Native American Caucus observer asked me to present an item at plenary for removal from the consent agenda because of statements I made in committee regarding one of their resolutions. My competence in working cross-culturally and my mediation skills will be an asset to our delegation. As a youth leader, I bring an awareness of young people’s interests and concerns.
023 Richard B. WilLson ![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGciUyRjBlODYxNzkzN18xNTU0Mzk0Njc4X3JpY2hhcmR3aWxsc29uLTIyMDIwbm9taW5lZS5qcGclM0ZxJTNEOTAlMjZ3JTNEMjY0JTI2aCUzRDI2NCUyNmZpdCUzRG1heCUyNnMlM0Q2ODE2NTkyN2IxODUxODhiYzZlMDQ4MDIzMDQ5NjYwNSI7/richardwillson-22020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
John Wesley UMC, Hagerstown
2016 Alternate to Jurisdictional
Church Committees:
I am currently serving on Administrative Council and SPRC, serving as secretary on both bodies. Previously I have chaired Evangelism and have served on Missions, Leadership Development
Conference Agencies:
I am currently serving on the Board of Ordained Ministries, serving as chair of the License to Preach
Other Organizations:
Board of REACH of Washington County, the Government Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Co-President of the Maryland League of Women Voters
I am looking for ways to strengthen the church by focusing on what we hold in common. To do this I will employ my training and skills as a listener and consensus builder. This has been my role in my local church and in my professional career. At the same time, I am a passionate advocate for social justice. I know the Lord is not done with me, or with our church.
024 Greg Witte![](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMzA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGYjY1ZGU3NjY3NzFjMGI4NTNhMzYtYmUxNjVkY2EzYjRjZGRhNzdmOGRjMmFkNmIxNzkwMGMuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGZyUyRjBlODYxNzkyMV8xNTU0Mzk0Njc3X2dyZWd3aXR0ZTIwMjBub21pbmVlLmpwZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QyNjQlMjZoJTNEMjY0JTI2Zml0JTNEbWF4JTI2cyUzRDYxZmRhZmI2MzhjNzBhYTRkMzBlNDZhNTNmNjQ5ZGE5Ijs=/gregwitte2020nominee.jpg?fm=webp)
Cedar Grove UMC, Deale
Church Committees:
Currently serving as Lay Leader and previously
Conference Agencies:
Other Organizations:
Volunteer leader of ISACA, a computer security membership association, which serves 140,000 professionals in 180 countries
I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness but learned of true religion when my aunt snuck me into MYF events and UMC services. That mixed upbringing taught me to never be ashamed of the Gospel — I was speaking publicly about the Bible from the day I could talk. Ironically, that history taught me to test every word like a Berean, listening to all sides and seeking to discern God’s will. At work, I’ve served the U.S. government for 30 years, 15 at the State Department, gaining expertise