Lenten Reflection and Action for Vital Change
Love – Not Hate – In Action
40 Days of Prayer and Service for Vital Change
In these times of rapid change and uncertainty, Lent can be a time of reflection and gratitude as we consider our faith journey. It provides opportunities to express our gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice for us and his many blessings and gifts. Consider joining us in prayer, reflection and service during Lent so that we better embody love – not hate – in action.
As we pause this Lent to consider the foundations of our faith, it is a good time to reflect more deeply on our shared values and take action to live them. Our shared values as the people of The Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Area include:
- Love in Action
- Strength through Connection
- Unity with Diversity
- Partnering with Purpose
- Freedom to Try
Reflect on Love in Action
Take a moment to prayerfully read:
— Matthew 25:31-40 (NIV) …Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
— Micah 6:8 (NRSV) ...what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?
- How do these verses relate to our shared values?
- How do the other values of Strength through Connection, Unity with Diversity, Partnering with Purpose, and Freedom to Try, relate to our value of Love in Action?
Take Action
Put your faith to work:
— Be love in action by participating in mission or ministry at your church or in your community.
- Identify a mission or ministry that addresses inequality, exclusion, racism, oppression, or injustice.
- Learn more about the mission or ministry (who is served, how are they served, who supports or partners with this ministry, what help do they need, how can you make a difference).
- Be love in action as you serve in mission or ministry for six weeks during Lent.
— Participate in vital change conversations for yourself, your loved ones, and your congregation (see available resources).
— Be still and know… Consider the recent message from Bishop LaTrelle Easterling to embrace the words of Psalm 46:8. “We know that the God of our salvation is as close as breath,” the bishop said. “As we live our faith and embody our baptism, take time to be still and know that God is God.”
Pray for Vital Change
Let us pray:
Gracious and loving God, who leads, teaches, and transforms, be with us in this Lenten season. In times of challenge, change and rejoicing, we trust that You are present in our lives and our world. As individuals and the church, we ask for the wisdom and courage to more fully discern your deep desires for us. Give us strength and bold hearts as we respond to Your invitation to be Your hands, feet, and voice.
In this Lenten season of reflection and repentance, we turn from the things that limit us and seek an anointing of the Holy Spirit to guide us through a season of vital change. Give us the faith to lay aside those things that distract us from Your call, and incline our spirits to listen deeply for that still small voice that beckons us, comforts us, and invites us into a space of grace, wonder, service, and love. We lay all this before You as we journey toward the cross – witnesses to your truth that love prevails. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.