Sunday, February 05, 2017
Faith communities have the opportunity to open their doors wide on Sunday, February 5, 2017. In the Baltimore-Washington Conference, the first Sunday in February is the day that is designated for churches to observe Disability Awareness
Did you know that statistics number Americans with disabilities at over 50 million people? This is approximately 1 in every 5 people. Add this number of people whose disability is relational and emotional, and this category may include almost every other person in the pew. Perhaps a few of these people will be willing to help plan it and assist leading worship (personal testimonies are a great way to add awareness).
You may wonder
Also, in between Jesus' words is the emphasis
The Commission on Disability Concerns has a downloadable church kit to assist with worship planning and ideas for observing this day. The church kit includes bulletin inserts, liturgy, litanies, Scripture recommendations, suggested music, printable resources and handouts, sermon ideas, and more.
With many churches in decline, this is a time to reach out to the disability community this February and observe this important Sunday. You just may have new families come worship. Whatever you do, don't forget to promote it.
Download resources for Disability Awareness Sunday