Annual Conference Awards

We love to celebrate leaders and faith communities who are doing excellent ministry and we want to be sure we are hearing all the great stories of how transformed lives are transforming lives. One of the ways we do this is through an annual call for nominations and applications. 

Applications/nominations are due April 1st and will be awarded at the Annual Conference session.

  • Wellness & Missions Award gives $1,000 to a faith community that exemplifies the fostering of spiritual, physical and mental health for all and promotes an understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of health. Apply now.
  • Advocacy & Action Award gives $1,000 to a faith community that exemplifies partnering with their communities in advocating to transform systems which disenfranchise, marginalize, and oppress. Apply now.
  • The Harry Denman Evangelism Award honors United Methodists in each annual conference whose exceptional ministry of evangelism - expressed in Word (what), Sign (why), and Deed (how) - brings people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. What distinguishes a Harry Denman Evangelism Award recipient is the commitment to consistently introduce others to the Good News of Jesus Christ in all ministry settings. Their ministry is exceptional for the number of new Christ Followers who credit encounters with this person as critical in helping to start or reignite their faith journey. We will recognize up to one clergy, one layperson and/or one youth. Apply now.
  • Youth People's Ministry Impact Award honors youth (12-18) or young adult (19-30) ministries that are deepening discipleship, loving like Jesus and multiplying impact for the transformation of lives, churches, and communities. The winning ministry will receive $1,000. Applications are due on April 1. Apply now.

See some videos from previous award winners.